Overnight, the Supreme Court released a 5-4 opinion refusing to halt SB8, the blatantly unconstitutional law that almost entirely eliminates access to safe and affordable abortions for people in my state of Texas.
Five extremist judges effectively outlawed abortion through an unsigned opinion in the dead of night. But let’s be clear: we definitely didn’t arrive here overnight.
From the Supreme Court all the way down to state legislatures, for decades we’ve seen Republicans chip away at the right to reproductive healthcare and access to safe and affordable abortions. And unfortunately, we can also see where they’re heading next.
Similar six-week abortion bans have already passed in other Republican-controlled states like Georgia and Tennessee, and the Supreme Court could officially overturn Roe v. Wade in a case involving Mississippi’s abortion ban in a few months.
We also know who these kinds of laws actually end up hurting the most. The abortion ban here in Texas will disproportionately impact low-income and working-class people who can’t afford reproductive health care or who are unable to travel out of state to seek care.
Discrepancies in access to quality reproductive health care are already tied to race, class, and gender — and for low-income, queer, or BIPOC folks, the burden is particularly undue.
Here in Texas, organizations on the ground are working to care for our neighbors by funding abortion care, providing logistical support, and arranging transportation and child care for the people impacted the most. And now more than ever, they could use our support.
Will you split a contribution to these Texas organizations today to provide support to people impacted by the abortion ban?
100% of your donation will be split between 10 organizations providing funding and logistical support to people all over the state of Texas.
Support TX Orgs
Many people see abortion as a singular issue, but we know it’s more than that. Abortion is a racial justice issue, a workers’ rights issue, a housing issue, and a healthcare issue. And we’re under attack on all of these fronts.
In addition to SB8, over 600 other laws went into effect this week in Texas that severely restrict our freedoms — including restricting our right to vote, banning defunding the police, increasing penalties for protesters, and more.
Republicans are using every lever of power they have to turn their unpopular and unconstitutional policies into law — including trying to stop us from voting. But we’re fighting back.
In Texas and across the country, WFP is standing with the people most impacted by these attacks and their right to safe, accessible, and affordable health care. Split a contribution between these 10 Texas organizations and abortion funds today, and show them that you stand with them too:
Support TX Orgs
In solidarity,
Mercedes Fulbright
Organizing Director
Texas Working Families Party

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Paid for by Working Families Party National PAC (77 Sands St. #6, Brooklyn, NY, 11201).