Deadly Rainfall Marks New Climate Era for NYC, Leaders Say: ‘Expect the Very Worst’ Flash floods from historic rains Wednesday night killed nine New Yorkers, eight of whom died in basements of residential homes, officials said Thursday. Mayor Bill de Blasio and Gov. Kathy Hochul said their administrations are assessing the damage and preparing for a “whole new world” of extreme weather.
The Kathy Hochul Administration: Who Are the Key Players? Kathy Hochul, New York’s former lieutenant governor who was sworn in as the state’s first female governor in August, has pledged to run her administration differently from her predecessor, Andrew Cuomo.
Decade-Long Fight to Decriminalize Syringe Possession in NY Awaits New Gov’s Signature The NYPD has made 1,483 arrests for syringe possession since 2006, with 17 people arrested so far this year for the offense, police department data shows. Advocates say the law is demonstrative of the “massive inconsistencies between the penal code and the health code.”
Pandemic Worsens Hard Road to Housing for Homeless New Yorkers with Health Needs Many of the issues homeless new Yorkers with health problems face—abrupt transfers, inaccessible accommodations, shelters in isolated areas—existed long before the pandemic, but they have been laid bare as Mayor Bill de Blasio continues to pursue a summer-long effort to clear about 60 so-called “de-densification” hotels.
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Opinion: What Real Marijuana Justice Could Look in East New York, Brooklyn ‘In other states that have established a legal marijuana market, large corporations with significant capital make up the bulk of the market share while BIPOC communities have seen little, if any, economic benefit from legalization. New York can create a more racially and economically equitable path.’
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