PETITION: Make Roe the law everywhere.

Elizabeth Warren: "Push your senators. Push your representatives... make Roe the law of the land everywhere."

Sign the petition to Congress: I support Congress protecting Roe vs. Wade by making it federal law everywhere.

MSNBC TWEET: Sen. Warren on the Texas abortion law: 'This is why Congress should step up. Let's remember that 70% of Americans want to see Roe v. Wade as the law of the land. The Supreme Court is not the only one who could provide that. Congress could pass Roe v. Wade.'

SLATE: "At midnight on Wednesday, in an unsigned 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court effectively overturned Roe v. Wade. The five most conservative Republican-appointed justices refused to block Texas’ abortion ban, which allows anyone to sue any individual who 'aids or abets' an abortion after six weeks, which is when the vast majority of operations occur."

More states will follow suit. Here's what you can do.

First, Elizabeth Warren and others are pushing for Congress to urgently use its power to make Roe vs. Wade the law of the land everywhere. Support this effort.

Sign the petition: I support Congress protecting Roe vs. Wade by making it federal law everywhere -- and I support eliminating the filibuster so Democrats can get this done.

Then, because the law specifically targets abortion funds, providers, and advocates, donate to these local groups on the ground in Texas that help people pay for and access abortion care.

On the eve of this decision, Elizabeth Warren told MSNBC's Joy Reid:

"Let's remember that 70% of Americans want to see Roe vs. Wade as the law of the land.

"The Supreme Court is not the only one who could provide that. Congress could pass Roe vs. Wade.

"Everybody out there who is outraged today, help Planned Parenthood. Help those who are trying to help people who are dealing with a difficult decision.

"But also, push your senators, push your representatives and say 'it is time that our elected representatives don’t put in judges that are extremists, who don’t support what most Americans want, you get out there, pass the laws, and protect Roe. Make Roe the law of the land everywhere.'"

If you're reeling from the Texas law and this conservative Supreme Court's decision to let it stand, get off the sidelines. This is a fight where every single person is going to make a difference.

First, sign the petition telling Congress to protect Roe vs. Wade by making it federal law everywhere -- and to eliminate the filibuster to get it done.

Then, donate to courageous groups on the ground in Texas that help Texans pay for abortion procedures and get logistical help such as a ride to a clinic. They are specifically targeted by this law and more vulnerable than ever.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)

P.S. Please RT these members of Congress who are publicly pushing for Congress to act:

ELIZABETH WARREN TWEET: The data is clear: the majority of Americans support #RoeVWade. With SCOTUS conservatives refusing to defend 50 years of legal precedent, Congress needs to step up and codify Roe into federal law. AYANNA PRESSLEY TWEET: Our liberty, our humanity, and our bodily autonomy are NOT up for debate. In light of Texas' draconian ban and the Supreme Court's inaction, our pro-choice majority Congress must pass The Women's Health Protection Act.
KIRSTEN GILLIBRAND TWEET: The Supreme Court just signed off on a clear violation of the constitutionally guaranteed right to an abortion. We can't allow these attacks on our reproductive freedom to stand. We must pass federal law protecting the right to a safe, legal abortion. CINDY AXNE TWEET: SCOTUS' failure to uphold Roe v Wade puts the health of millions of women at risk & undoes nearly HALF A CENTURY of legal precedent. Now more than ever, Congress needs to pass the Women's Health Protection Act to protect a woman's right to make her own health care choices.




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