Dear John,
This week, the Jewish community around the world is preparing to celebrate Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur -- the Jewish New Year and the Day of Atonement. These holidays emphasize the importance of reflection and repentance. Jewish tradition teaches that to achieve repentance for ourselves and others, we must acknowledge our individual and collective transgressions, ask for forgiveness and resolve not to repeat offenses.
It has been a difficult year, one that has exposed many of our individual and collective shortcomings. Many people are choosing to disregard public health recommendations in the face of the ongoing pandemic, which has only prolonged and intensified suffering around the world. Many are choosing to turn a blind eye to the injustices plaguing people of color and other marginalized groups today, and some are even going so far as to demand that we ban teaching children about the dangers of racism and hate. Many choose to believe that antisemitism is not a serious and growing threat, and some are even taking actions that marginalize or harass Jews in their communities. Many are
choosing to close their eyes to the heartbreaking developments in Afghanistan, and some are even closing their arms and hearts to Afghan refugees yearning to breathe free in our Nation of Immigrants.
But as we enter this new season, we have the opportunity to work together to make ourselves and our communities better. This time of year is a perfect moment for us all to reflect and begin the process of self and communal improvement. Let us start the process of healing and coming together. And then, let's commit to doing better going forward – to striving to see the good in others, to lowering the temperature, to building consensus, to rejecting divisiveness, tribalism, inflammatory rhetoric and falsehoods. This is how we will fulfill ADL’s mission to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and secure justice and fair treatment for all.
Wishing those of you who celebrate a sweet, happy, and – most of all – healthy New Year. And we invite all members of our community to join us as we work together to stand against hate.
Best wishes,
The ADL Washington D.C. Team | |