Dear Patriot, We’re facing the absolute destruction of our civil liberties with
COVID-19 as the excuse, but you and I know tyrants will always find something to justify their ends.
The last two years have been an authoritarian’s dream! It’s been a double whammy,
to put it mildly. Dr. Paul has written twice this week with very important information about
the current state of Campaign for Liberty and some inspiring reminders about what we’ve been able to accomplish in just 13 years.
I hope
you take the time to read the email below and consider a generous donation to keep this engine of liberty running strong.
Campaign for Liberty supporters have brought us closer to funding our critical programs, but to ensure they are
fully-funded, your help is needed now. We are certainly facing an uphill battle against the medical tyranny
of the last 18 months, but it’s important to remember the victories we’ve already won because they illustrate what can be accomplished
now. Thank you for your dedication to this cause.
For Liberty, John McCardell Executive Director
______Forwarded Message_______
 Dear Patriot, With each passing day, I am becoming
more worried. I’m worried about our ability to fight back against the runaway medical
tyranny that is threatening to take over every aspect of our lives. With the government’s
draconian response to the coronavirus panic over the past year and a half, we’ve just witnessed arguably the biggest sustained attack on freedom
I’ve seen in my lifetime. And to make matters more critical, money is tight at Campaign
for Liberty. Too tight, which is why I am asking for your help
today. If it’s not our governors destroying our economy by forcing Americans
under house arrest, cellphone tracking and tracing, and the blatant targeting of gun stores and churches, we also have the social media titans bearing
down on us with blatant censorship. Now we’re facing the reality of
forced/coerced vaccinations complete with vaccination databases which are already rolling out in big cities across the country.
2021 has been an authoritarian’s dream! And as
bad as the statists were in the past, Joe Biden has taken it to a whole new level. In the midst
of yet another foreign policy disaster in Afghanistan, Biden’s focus has clearly been on demanding major corporations to FORCE their employees
to take the experimental COVID jabs. Not to mention they’re still working on
Dollar-destroying spending packages, Constitution-shredding gun registration and confiscation bills, and the “Legalized Election Theft”
bill, H.R. 1/S.1, parts of which are now being hidden in a bill called H.R. 4. To
say Campaign for Liberty’s plates have been full this year would be an understatement.
Yet, there’s no end in sight. In just a week or two, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA),
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), and the rest of the big-government, free-spending, liberty-stealing politicians will be headed back to
Washington, D.C. to inflict more damage. Unless you and I get in their way.
With Congress and the Federal Reserve working together to flood politically-connected corporate cronies
with taxpayer cash, we’ve seen our national debt explode to over $28,705,473,000,000 (that’s almost $30 TRILLION)!
Now state governments who’ve spent years over-taxing, over-regulating, killing small businesses,
and handing out Cadillac contracts to state employees are begging for and receiving trillions in bailouts too! And this comes on the heels of states
giving out million dollar “lottery prizes” to those who were vaccinated. But
without your action today, I’m worried we may be unable to muster little more than a whimper based on our current financial situation.
We only have a short time to re-evaluate our plans and be forced to severely curtail all of Campaign for
Liberty’s legislative programs. You see, Campaign for Liberty doesn’t have fat
cat lobbyist friends who send us $100,000 or $250,000 or more (or anything close to that) to fight for liberty and take on Big Government.
I’m sure there’s nothing the Deep State and Big Government politicians in BOTH
parties would love to see more than our demise -- especially considering how far you and I have come over the past 13 years since my 2008
presidential run and the founding of Campaign for Liberty! In the years leading up to that
campaign, GOP members of Congress just simply fell in line for then-President George W. Bush’s so-called “PATRIOT” Act, the
“No Child Left Behind” Act, and Medicare Part D. And the late-Senator John McCain
ultimately became the GOP’s 2008 presidential nominee -- all while running on a platform that included expanded war all over the globe, endless
government spying, “Cap and Tax,” and “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” (complete with a National ID Scheme)!
Their answer to the financial crisis was to shut out the commonsense voices of everyday Americans and listen to
the “experts”. . . . . . “Experts” who said
Iraq would be a cakewalk. . . . “Experts” who said
American troops would be in and out of Afghanistan. . . .
“Experts” who said Americans were too stupid to understand the Federal Reserve system or monetary policy.
. . . “Experts” who said Americans wouldn’t care if Congress
took hundreds of BILLIONS of their tax dollars and spent it bailing out auto companies and the big banks.
. . . “Experts” who said Americans liked being spied on -- and if we didn’t put the Fourth
Amendment through the shredder, we’d be under constant terrorist attacks! You see,
statists ALWAYS believe the problem is our freedom. So their fixes are ALWAYS the same --
bigger and more expensive government. Like many folks all over the country, I realized that if
something didn’t change -- FAST -- there would not be much left of the free country you and I love.
That’s why I decided to run for president in 2008 -- to ensure the principles of liberty the Founders laid down for us in
the U.S. Constitution were given a voice. But never in my wildest dreams could I
have envisioned the political EXPLOSION you and I would set off. After Rudy Giuliani
viciously attacked me on the presidential debate stage in South Carolina because of my take on U.S. involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan, the media
tried to laugh my campaign off as a joke. But their laughter turned to fear when they
saw the grassroots energy for my presidential campaign! In fact, in one “money
bomb” that year, my supporters gave over $6 million in one day -- and that was with very few of the big gifts establishment campaigns count on!
The media and the Big Government establishment became so afraid of our message, they began
looking for ways to shut me out of the debates! They had taken it for granted that Americans
had given up on the Constitution. They believed nobody really believed in limited government anymore.
My campaign proved them wrong, wrong, wrong! But the truth is,
it wasn’t really me at all who accomplished that. It was you and good folks like you from all over the country who chose to take a stand for
liberty. Of course, the Big Government establishment thought it was all over when my campaign
wound down. They thought we were just a passing fad. They thought they could get back to business as usual.
But thanks to your support, our campaign has pressed on -- although today, we’re running it from the “outside.”
When a few of my trusted staff were trying to decide the name of the group we would form out of my 2008
campaign, I said: “I’ve been campaigning for liberty for over 30 years. Why don’t we call the
group ‘Campaign for Liberty?’” Over the past thirteen years, you and I have racked up some tremendous victories
together. When I ran for president in 2008, I was arguably the
only voice for liberty in the U.S. House or Senate. Needless to say, it was lonely being out-voted 434-1 on a regular basis!
But in 2010, my son, Senator Rand Paul, shocked the political world by defeating an opponent handpicked by Senator Mitch
McConnell (R-KY) in a hard-fought GOP primary, ultimately winning that U.S. Senate seat.
As a senator, Rand continues to be a strong voice for liberty. There are a handful of other U.S. Senators who’ll often follow
his lead on critical battles as well. In the U.S. House, we have Congressman Thomas
Massie (R-KY) and several others. Every election since my 2008 presidential run, the
Liberty Movement has gained new allies and our numbers continue to grow -- both in Congress and in state legislatures nationwide.
And on policy, we’ve proven we can punch far above our weight.
In 2008, discussion of the Federal Reserve was hardly a blip on the political radar screen. Frankly, I was astounded at the response I received on the campaign trail in 2008 when I explained how the Fed’s
print-now, ask-questions-later policies were at the root of everything we still hate about Washington, D.C.
Just four years later, we passed Audit the Fed through the U.S. House with an overwhelming three-fourths margin!
Today, even with Nancy Pelosi holding the reins as Speaker of the House, I believe we can pass it with votes from both
parties -- if we succeed in forcing a vote. And we’re only a handful of votes shy of
passing it in the U.S. Senate. Thanks to Campaign for Liberty supporters’ help,
we’ve also: ***STOPPED every attempt (so far) to RAM their
National ID database scheme into law. If passed, this scheme would allow government to create a database of EVERY American citizen --
including everything from gun ownership records and political activity, to love interests.
***Stood strong against “Cap and Tax” and all other faux “environmental” schemes.
Sadly, with the advent of the so-called “Green New Deal,” this scheme is back -- and is now being touted by both parties as a
***Stymied bipartisan knee-jerk rushes to gun control in the wake of the shooting
tragedies. ***Created a massive grassroots backlash
against government spying programs. This battle is still ongoing -- and I dare say, it’s a fight we’re beginning to win with
the American people! Of course, our progress hasn’t come without a price.
For nearly three years, Campaign for Liberty was involved in a standoff with the IRS that was demanding
we turn over the names, addresses, and other personal information of our most generous supporters.
Even in the face of the crippling daily fines the IRS was threatening us with, I told our staff to give them nothing.
I knew that publicizing our most generous supporters’ names would open them up to political backlash from
power-hungry bureaucrats. That legal standoff only ended three years ago when the IRS finally
notified us they were backing down. Now, we have a new “crisis” -- COVID-19 –
and the bevy of issues it has created in its wake. And I can’t help but be reminded
back to 2008 and the similarities we’re witnessing now as our national media and members of BOTH parties listen to the “experts”. .
. . . . “Experts” who haven’t issued ONE accurate
model predicting COVID-19’s spread and fatalities. . . .
“Experts” who’ve far over-estimated the fatality rate from COVID-19 by under-counting Americans with
infections. It turns out many people catch it and don’t even know! . . .
“Experts” who said Americans won’t care if we’re imprisoned at home -- and trust the government to make the
right decisions.
. . . “Experts” who are telling us to take an experimental vaccine in order to save our lives.
. . . “Experts” who said Americans won’t notice
if the hundreds of BILLIONS in emergency “small business loans” end up in the pockets of Harvard, Los Angeles Lakers NBA team, and other
multi-million dollar companies. . . . “Experts” who said
Americans won’t care if they see their lifesavings dwindle, but politically-connected BILLIONAIRES get richer. Sadly, that’s exactly what’s happening. According to one news report, American billionaires have gotten
over $1.2 TRILLION richer since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. While the
heart and soul of America –- the small business owner –- is lucky to have his doors still open.
And this is all just a small taste of what the “experts” want. One word
that’s been bandied about thousands of times over the past year is “socialism.”
We’ve been told it’s growing in popularity with each passing month as America’s educational system continually brainwashes
younger generations with the help of our media elites. In fact, The Hill bragged late last
year, “7 in 10 Millennials Say They Would Vote for a Socialist.” Quite simply,
socialism is adherence to a “bureaucrats-know-best” philosophy. You get less
freedom. And the “experts” get more freedom to control you, your life, your job, your beliefs, what you can and can’t teach your
kids, where you can go, what you’re “allowed” to own, think, read, eat, and smoke.
And it’s this idea you and I must DESTROY. If we don’t, American freedom will
not survive. It’s that simple. The
good news is, Americans are getting fed up today. They don’t just want the freedoms
they had BEFORE COVID-19. They want the “experts” boots off of their
necks, so you and I can live our own lives. Americans are growing angry at how
the “experts” have railroaded us. From the very beginning, I called the COVID-19 response a “hoax” -- a
“hoax” designed to kill more of our freedoms. Now more Americans than ever before
are open to our message of freedom -- arguably more open than any other time since the start of Campaign for Liberty. But as it stands now, I don’t have the resources to create the ROAR of opposition both parties need to hear.
I know some of that is due to people’s hurting finances due to the government’s response to
COVID-19. You can’t effectively shut down an entire economy for months on end without damaging people’s livelihood.
So, as I mentioned, Campaign for Liberty’s bank accounts are dangerously low. Virtually every organization in Washington, D.C. runs into financial rough patches now and then. And our summer months are
usually lean. The difference is, other organizations can often call up a wealthy donor or two and ask for some help. Sometimes that comes with strings attached -- like the insistence that an organization “go easy” on a member of
Congress who’s recently become a traitor. In forming Campaign for Liberty, I made a
pledge to myself, my staff, and our supporters that we would never play those Washington, D.C. games.
We’re not interested in grabbing nice news headlines or getting invited to the fancy cocktail parties with the media, sleazy lobbyists,
and politicians. We’re interested in standing strong for principle -- and making a difference.
That’s why, for the most part,
Campaign for Liberty is still fueled by the good folks who helped my 2008 presidential campaign raise $6 million -- $100, $50, and $35 at a
time. So after raising such a massive amount of money in one day, it seems like
raising $23,800 in three weeks shouldn’t be that tough, right? The answer is, no. It
shouldn’t be that hard -- if I can count on your generosity. But oftentimes -- in the build up to election years like the one coming at us
like a freight train -- many people choose to give to deserving candidates they want to see elected.
That means fewer contributions to Campaign for Liberty. And now, even with the
Democrats holding the White House, the Senate, and the House, and our battles more ferocious than even during the eight years of Barrack Obama, many
people are hunkering down to ride out the storm. The problem is that if we don’t fight NOW, this storm might do in our country.
Campaign for Liberty is run on a shoestring budget. We do all we can to carefully spend every red cent making the biggest
difference. That means when contributions start to run dry, we feel it. Big time.
So please don’t lay this email aside or think that someone else will carry the load. Will you please act?
Campaign for Liberty supporters have never let me down before. Over the past thirteen years, we’ve
made so much progress together. And I still believe we have so much more to achieve in the
future -- together. But defeating the statists and renewing liberty in America can’t happen without paying the bills.
If I can’t raise the $23,800, I will not put Campaign for Liberty in debt -- even though I believe we’ll be
back on firm financial footing very soon. I pledged never to do so, I am not going to start
now. Another game I won’t play is asking the federal government for a bailout --
something The New York Times reports that several other supposedly “conservative” organizations did when the government had
handouts readily available. The truth is, Campaign for Liberty is not my organization.
It’s yours. It belongs to the tens of thousands of grassroots patriots all over the
country who helped take the Liberty Movement from nothing to a major force in modern American politics.
None of what we’ve fought for and accomplished could have been possible without you.
So I’m writing to ask you to
reinvest in what you helped start with a generous contribution of $500, $250, or even $150 today.
I know that’s a lot to ask for. But without your support, program cuts
will be the only option. I don’t want to be forced to make this decision. I hope you agree.
Of course, if $250 or $150 is too much
to ask for, what about starting with $50, or even $25? Your support would mean the
world to me right now -- and help Campaign for Liberty continue making a world of difference.
By the time you read this, I’ll have only three weeks before having to decide whether or not to make cuts.
So please agree to your most generous contribution of $500,
$250, or at least $50 or $25 today. In Liberty,  Ron Paul Chairman P.S.
Patriot, with all the resources we’ve been forced to spend this year, I’m growing more concerned by the day. Money is tight. Too tight.
I have to raise $23,800 in the next three weeks to avoid making serious program cuts. Nancy
Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and the rest of the big-government, free-spending, liberty-stealing politicians are coming back to Washington, D.C. soon. You
and I must be prepared to put up a roadblock and stop them all along the say. Please consider your most generous donation at
once! If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click
here. ________________________________________________
The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty,
constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy.