Dear Friends,

The Build Back Better bus tour was great! The tour provided an opportunity for Democrats to engage with people from across the country and discuss the ways in which the Build Back Better agenda is working for America.  Our nation is getting back on track, and Democrats are delivering for the people! 

Democratic National Committee Chairman, Jaime Harrison praised Democrats, saying,  “Thanks to President Biden and Democrats, America is building back better than ever, and the DNC is hitting the road to make sure everybody knows that the ‘D’ in Democrats stands for ‘deliver.” 

Since the bus tour began, a Democratic-controlled Congress has tirelessly fought on behalf of the American people. In just a short amount of time, Congress has taken bold action unseen in a generation. 

  • The House of Representatives approved the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.

  • The House of Representatives took a critical step in advancing President Biden’s plan to build our country back better by voting to advance the budget framework for the $3.5 trillion spending package. 

  • The Democratic-led Senate passed an historic infrastructure bill to revitalize and rebuild our country’s roads and bridges.

In contrast, Republicans across the country have vigorously worked to spread misinformation COVID-19, pass anti-voter laws across the country, and even protect the domestic terrorists who stormed our Capitol and tried to overthrow our democracy.

While the bus tour has wrapped up, the work of the Democrats continues. The legislation being passed will be an investment into people, not just projects. Democrats will keep fighting for the Build Back Better agenda delivering for all, not just the few.  Progress is being made to: 

  • create good-paying jobs

  • make transformative investments in health care child care, and the care economy

  • rebuild our crumbling infrastructure

  • lower prescription drug prices

  • invest in the middle class by cutting taxes for working families

  • tackle the climate crisis

Democrats have formed a broad, diverse coalition in every corner of this nation. We are meeting constituents right where they are and continuing to ensure that every voice is heard. I hope that you will join me in this effort.

In this email, you will find ways to support. Help us make progress by keeping Democrats in a position to make change, particularly in California. Share out information about the upcoming California recall and keep the Golden State on the right path. Please also help us highlight local issues by telling us your story. Let us know what is important to you and your community. Lastly, you will find links to photos from this amazing bus tour! Please share and enjoy!



Brencia Berry

Director of Coalitions and Community Engagement

Democratic National Committee

In this Update:

  • Photos from Build Back Better Bus Tour

  • California Recall Social Media Tool Kit

  • California Recall Social Graphics for Amplification

  • Tell Your Story

In case you missed it, here are some highlights from the DNC’s “Build Back Better” bus tour.

California’s recall election is an attempt to impose the extreme right-wing agenda of Republicans on the Golden State. Voters must vote NO on the recall and leave the second question blank. This is the only way to block this blatant Republican power grab.






VOTE NO on the Republican recall of Gov. @GavinNewsom to stop the Republican takeover of California—and remember to leave the second question BLANK to keep the right-wing agenda of Republicans out of the Golden State.



Calling all Californians: To stop the extreme  Republican takeover of your state, you MUST

✔️ Fill out your ballot

✔️ Vote NO on the Republican recall of Gov. @GavinNewsom 

✔️ Leave the second question blank

✔️ Return your ballot or visit any vote center in your county by 9/14 



🗣 Spread the word: it’s going to take ALL of us to stop the Republican takeover of California. VOTE NO on the Republican recall of Governor @GavinNewsom and leave the second question blank by Sept. 14. 



Republicans are trying a power grab in California by making taxpayers fund a $276 million off-year recall election because they think it’s the only way they can win.


We CAN stop them: Vote NO on the recall and leave the second question blank by Sept. 14.


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The date for the California recall is fast approaching. We want to spread the word to voters about the importance of voting NO on the Republican recall of Governor Newsom  AND leave the second question blank to stop this right-wing takeover of our state. Click here for graphics to share on social media about the California Recall.

Tell Your Story

Democrats! The DNC Coalition Director is partnering with the DNC Video Team to help tell your story. We are looking for people from every state, every identity, every profession, and activists behind every issue. If you are willing to join us and tell your story, please consider filling out this form that will highlight the issues you are willing to speak on. 

This will begin the process so the video team can reach out to you as they conceptualize videos. Don't hold back, speak to what you would like to be shared.  Thank you!

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