Got talent? Submit your audition video by Sept 12.?
This fall, the Village of Oswego will host Oswego?s Got Talent, a two-round competition for performing artists of all kinds at Venue 1012, Oswego?s new amphitheater and park, with cash prizes and additional opportunities to perform around Oswego.
The first-round competition will be held the afternoon of Saturday, Sept. 18. To apply for a spot on stage in the first round, performers must complete an online application and submit a video of their talent by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 12. Judges will select up to three competitors in each category and division from the video entries to perform on stage in Round 1. Get details.?
Find us at PrairieFest!
The Village of Oswego will have a booth at PrairieFest this weekend with interactive activities for kids, Oswego swag, and an opportunity for residents to give their feedback. Plus, stop by the Community Art Project booth to pick up a card for our Art at Village Hall Winter Card Exhibit. PrairieFest is run by the Oswegoland Park District. For more information on festivities happening all weekend long visit www.prairiefest.com.
 Mark your calendars for Coffee & Conversation Sept. 11
Village President Troy Parlier invites seniors for a tour of Venue 1012, the new amphitheater and park in Oswego?s Orchard Road corridor, in a special edition of Coffee & Conversation with Village President Troy Parlier on Saturday, Sept. 11. Get details and RSVP.?
Learn about upcoming code changes at an Open House Sept. 14
Village staff are working to create a Unified Development Ordinance, or UDO, that brings together the current patchwork of zoning and subdivision ordinances into a single unified set of codes. The Village will host an open house to introduce the Unified Development Ordinance and some of its proposed changes to residents on Tuesday, Sept. 14, from 7 to 9 p.m. at Village Hall. Get details.?
Join us for an open house on our new water source Sept. 15
The underground pool of fresh water, called an aquifer, that supplies the drinking water for our communities is slowly drying up. That?s why Montgomery, Oswego and Yorkville are partnering up to explore our options, like Lake Michigan or a new treatment plant on the Fox River, to access a safe, reliable water source for generations.?Come learn about both options and help shape the future of our communities at an open house from 5 to 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 15, at Grand Reserve Elementary School, 3142 Grande Trail, Yorkville, Illinois. Get details.?
Upcoming dates
Monday, Sept. 6 - Labor Day. Village offices are closed, and trash collection is delayed by one day this week.?
Tuesday, Sept. 7 - Village Board at 7 p.m. and Committee of the Whole at 6 p.m. Watch live.
Saturday, Sept. 11 - Coffee and Conversations for Seniors with Village President Troy Parlier. Get details.?
Saturday, Sept. 11- Sept. 11 Ceremony at Oswego Police Department. 10 a.m.?
Tuesday, Sept. 14 - Unified Development Ordinance Open House. 7-9 p.m. Learn more.?
Wednesday, Sept. 15 - New Water Source Open House. 5-7 p.m. Get details.