John — 

This week, the Supreme Court allowed Texas’s extreme, restrictive abortion law to go into effect. 

The law bans abortions after six weeks of pregnancy and allows private citizens to sue abortion providers or anyone else who assists someone getting an abortion — even just by driving them to the clinic or helping cover the costs.

And what’s also concerning is the Supreme Court’s silence on this matter, especially as Republican-led legislatures begin to return to session and consider these same kinds of restrictive measures in their states.

This attack on women’s health care is a powerful reminder of the stakes in next year’s election — and why we must defend a Democratic Senate majority with the power to confirm or reject Supreme Court justices. 

The freedom for women to make their own health care decisions is on the ballot in 2022, and the contrast between the parties on this issue is crystal clear: while Senate Democrats are committed to protecting and expanding access to affordable health care for women and families, Republicans have shown they’ll use every tool they can, from the courts to Congress, to try and strip away health care coverage from women and families.

We need to take immediate action today, so here is something you can do right now to support the women who will be impacted most by this cruel law and others like it gaining traction in state legislatures across the country.

Today we’re asking you to add your name and call on the Supreme Court to urgently act to protect access to safe and legal abortions. They cannot sit by while state legislatures attack reproductive freedoms.

John, simply put: abortion is healthcare.

We must make sure it is treated as such and that anyone in any state can gain access to the care they need.

Thank you for stepping up today,

Defend the Senate