![]() Dear Patriot, Some people are mad. Some people can't hide their excitement. But Patriot, the Deep State coup to take out President Trump scares me to death. Make no mistake -- President Trump has not been a strong ally on issues like gun rights, spying, spending, and other important issues. But in their effort to destroy this president, the Deep State is attempting to send a message to ALL politicians that any who dare to cross them will get the same fate. With so much hanging in the balance, I'm counting on Campaign for Liberty supporters to inject some stiffness into Congress' spines and demand Congress stand up to the Deep State at once. You see, the “intelligence” agencies’ massive surveillance powers don’t just stop at America’s borders as they’d have you believe. They enable not just it’s meddling abroad but, as we now clearly see with this Deep State Coup, they’re manipulating the levers of power here at home. And like their war against President Trump, Deep State operatives believe spying on Americans is their birthright. But our fragile Republic won’t last long if we continually hand the government spying powers over our lives. That’s why I hope you’ll sign your petition to “STRIKE AT THE HEART OF THE DEEP STATE!” right away. As you’ll see, this petition demands Congress oppose reauthorization of the so-called "USA Freedom Act" and some of the Deep State’s most intrusive surveillance powers. This is the ONLY way we can strike a deathblow against the Deep State -- by destroying their power. So won’t you please sign your “STRIKE AT THE HEART OF THE DEEP STATE!” petition right away? Sadly, many of the folks who're supposed to represent you and me in Congress are taking active part in the DEEP STATE COUP -- even pretending it's their "constitutional duty" to go along with this farce . . . without so much as paying lip service to due process. And the scariest part of this whole impeachment scam is that if the Deep State will do all this to a sitting president, is anyone safe? After all, what's to stop the Deep State from deciding you're a bad actor because you go to the "wrong" church, read the "wrong" books, or like guns "too much"? In a word, NOTHING. Not if we allow this continue. As I've shouted it from the rooftops for years, the alphabet soup "intelligence" agencies' power over Americans is sliding our country toward authoritarianism. Just look at what Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) stated just days before inauguration when President Trump dared to voice skepticism about the Deep State's all-out power: "He's being really dumb to do this. . ." Schumer did more than just tip his hat to the Deep State being the real power in charge. He outright warned you not to cross them, saying “You take on the intelligence community -- they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.” Now we see it happening. Despite endorsing their domestic government spying programs, President Trump’s been enemy #1 of the Deep State since shocking the political world in 2016 by defeating their hand-picked candidate, Hillary Clinton. First, there was the whole Russian charade. Now, there’s the business of this “whistleblower” who The New York Times says is a CIA officer. It's all too coincidental that it suddenly materialized the moment the president started getting serious about pulling America out of Syria and fired top neocon John Bolton from the National Security Council. Think back to other real whistleblowers (usually called “leakers” in the press), like Edward Snowden, who’ve had their lives ruined and have been forced to flee the country. Yet this “whistleblower” remains anonymous and protected? Don’t fool yourself for a second. This impeachment scam is an inside job -- crafted, supported, and carried out by the Deep State and their pals in the press. It’s meant to send a message to politicians in BOTH parties that the Deep State is the REAL power in charge, and anyone who dares to cross them will meet the same fate. Who do you want calling the shots in this country? Men and women we elect at the ballot box? Or unelected, secretive Deep State rogues? That’s what this fight is about. And it's why you and I must demand Congress stand up to the Deep State before it's too late. So please, sign your “STRIKE AT THE HEART OF THE DEEP STATE!” petition right away. I’m more frightened for our country’s future than I’ve ever been. I know the answer is for grassroots patriots like you to take action and FORCE our politicians back to the principles embodied in the U.S. Constitution. Patriot, Campaign for Liberty relies on our dedicated grassroots supporters like you for all we do battling back against assaults on our liberties. So, once you’ve signed your “STRIKE AT THE HEART OF THE DEEP STATE!” petition, if at all possible, I hope you’ll agree to pitch in with your most generous gift of $50, $25, or at least $10 TODAY! For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman |