Mark Zuckerberg recently went on CBS This Morning to make a very important announcement.

Hey there --

In case you missed it, Mark Zuckerberg recently went on CBS This Morning to make a very important announcement.

No, it wasn’t a plan to combat hate speech or misinformation on the platform. It wasn’t a plan to respect the data and privacy of users. It wasn’t a plan to stop their toxic business model of surveillance advertising.

Instead, Mark Zuckerberg announced advances in his ambitious effort to build a ‘metaverse’ — a whole new virtual reality where users exist within Facebook-built worlds. He rolled out a new Facebook platform where users can interact and hold office meetings in virtual reality:

Screenshot of Mark Zuckerberg on CBS This Morning.

We wish we were kidding, really. It’s just as ridiculous as it sounds. Rather than confront the prolific problems of the platform, Mark Zuckerberg is literally living and working in his own metaverse—disconnected from the reality of how Facebook is fueling the spread of extremism and disinformation on and offline.

As with any new Facebook project, the metaverse is sure to create more problems than it solves. But we’re ready to call them out. As always, we’ll be on the frontlines of holding Facebook accountable.

And that’s why your support is more crucial than ever. We’re up against one of the most profitable companies in the world. Chip in now to help us keep up the fight to take on whatever new challenges Facebook brings:

Together, we can hold Facebook accountable.


Co-founder & Executive Director
Accountable Tech

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