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One in six men have been sexually victimized at some point. Yet many male survivors face obstacles to finding support.

In order to help advocates meet the needs of male survivors, we’ve compiled a new list of tools for better serving these survivors. The tools are designed to help you understand how male socialization impacts the stigma and reaction to sexual violence. Our Working with Male Survivors online toolkit will help advocates consider how to reach and engage men who need healing from sexual violence, instruct you on mapping out potential partnerships in your service area, and give you guidance on creating sexual assault services that meet the needs of male survivors.

Working with Male Survivors

This toolkit has been created to address the needs that advocates have expressed around providing services to male survivors. In 2018, NSVRC conducted a roundtable to inform the development and direction of resource content on serving male survivors of sexual assault at rape crisis centers. The 18 participants in the roundtable included representation from sexual assault centers, sexual assault coalitions, national technical assistance providers, and survivors. The needs and priorities from this roundtable are reflected in the resources developed and shared in the toolkit.

We know that sexual violence impacts people of all genders and backgrounds. There are men who commit acts of sexual violence. Men also play an important role in interrupting sexual harassment and inappropriate behaviors. And in addition to these important truths, it is also vital that we recognize that men experience sexual violence and need healing. With the help of our Working with Male Survivors online toolkit, advocates will be able to best serve these survivors with the care they need and deserve.

In solidarity,


P.S. Looking for more resources on supporting male survivors? Listen to our Spotify playlist where you can hear from advocates about how to best support male survivors.

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National Sexual Violence Resource Center © Sep 2, 2021 12:52:52 PM All rights reserved.
 Founded by the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape
This project is supported by Grant / Cooperative Agreement No. 1UF2CE002359-05 from
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors
and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
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