Dear John,
Suffering remains widespread days after Hurricane Ida battered Louisiana as one of the most powerful storms in U.S. history. A million homes and businesses still have no electricity. More than 600,000 lack running water. Emergency officials warn there are limited resources for food, gasoline, supplies, and medical care. 

In the middle of the chaos and destruction, innocent animals are suffering and in danger. 

The PAWS Chicago community rallies to the aid of animal shelters who need our help. We always say yes. This week, eight shelters—many without power or water—needed help. Of course we answered.
Lexa and Nora were just two of the 38 dogs and cats who arrived at our Medical Center yesterday. They were transported in PAWS Chicago rescue vans driven by tireless PAWS Chicago volunteers who traveled south to take animals already in those shelters, freeing up space for animals displaced by the disaster.
The 38 who escaped the hurricane's wrath are now safe. Each one will receive the ultimate gift: a loving family. But for many, the road is still long, with months of medical care, surgery, rehab, and foster care in their future. Thankfully, our state-of-the-art medical center is staffed and equipped to handle this influx, along with the complicated cases we treat every day. 
Unfortunately, when disaster strikes animals suffer. So we open our hearts, and our doors, to help. Please join us.

Please consider a donation today. Your gift is a gift of life for Lexa, Nora and the other Hurricane Ida-impacted animals now in our care, as well as the thousands of other dogs and cats rescued this year.

Thank you for giving them a chance, and for all you do to save homeless animals.

With gratitude, 
Paula Fasseas
Founder & Chair
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