Dear Health Advocates,

The No Surprises Act will finally enact federal consumer protections from surprise billing, which for decades has left families on the hook for egregious bills they did not plan for and are often unable to pay. On July 1, the Biden Administration issued Part I of their rulemaking through an interim final rule (IFR) to implement key parts of the law. It is critical for consumer advocates to make their voices heard in highlighting the areas where the IFR is strong and areas where the rule needs to go further.

Join us TODAY, from 12:00-12:30PM ET for a 30 minute Twitter storm to elevate the importance of the Surprise Medical Billing!

Please feel free to use and customize social posts below from our regularly updated Thursday 30 Toolkit. Suggested content for this week includes:
  1. #SurpriseMedicalBills are a market failure in the #healthcare system where bad actors can exploit families when they are at their most vulnerable. Thankfully, Congress ended these practices with the #NoSurprisesAct, granting consumers the protection they need. #UniteForHealthCare
  2. Congress has advanced the interest of America’s families in ending #SurpriseMedicalBills with the #NoSurprisesAct. Now we work to ensure that the protections are comprehensive and that the implementation of this bill is done with consumers in mind.
  3. The #NoSurprisesAct was landmark legislation, but implementation matters. Now that the we know more details, the work begins to ensure we implement it appropriately by fully protecting consumers from #surprisemedicalbills. #UniteForHealthCare

Make sure to check out more resources on Surprise Medical Billing:
To your health,

Tiana Rodriguez
Strategic Partnerships Coordinator
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