The Texas abortion ban began September 1. We'll have a podcast on the abortion emergency uploaded Monday September 6. Follow @RefuseFascism on social media.
Protest in Austin TX on Wednesday:

Khaled Beydoun: Islamophobia As Ideological Virus
Sam Goldman interviews Khaled Beydoun, law professor and author of American Islamophobia: Understanding the Roots and Rise of Fear. Then, Sam speaks to Coco Das about her latest article on Genocidal and Deadly Serious: Dan Patrick, Texas Fascist Lunatic Scapegoats Black People for the Pandemic.

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Khaled Beydoun: I
think the first thing to do is to think about Islamophobia in the ways
that we do just broadly about racism…The war on terror is far more than
just these international military projects that we saw unfold in the
last twenty years and that we’ll see unfold even more in the coming
years… It’s also a domestic policing and racial project. Their focus on anti-immigrant
bills have sort of morphed into a focus on anti-critical race theory
legislation. It’s all this sort of concerted attack on anything that
appears to be un-American…The War on Terror has sort of spread into an
ideological virus.
Sam Goldman: The attack on the Kabul airport this past week, carried out apparently by ISIS in Afghanistan gives a glimpse into the volatility and horror that will continue regardless of Biden's threats of "revenge" and the bombs that get dropped in their wake. It doesn't hurt to remind ourselves and others that ISIS was a direct byproduct of the Global War on Terror. So yet again, the responsibility for this chaos lies with the U.S. This deadly feedback loop between U.S. imperialism and theocratic Islamic fundamentalism is one key crisis that the fascists in this country aim to resolve on their genocidal terms. For anything better to come about, the people in this country across the political spectrum must begin to shift their allegiance away from America First, and towards putting humanity first.
Coco Das: This fascist leadership in Texas is actually laying the groundwork for a genocidal response and a genocidal future. These are people they would rather get rid of, if that means that they have to sacrifice some of their voters, I don't think that they think that voting matters at all. Actually, I don't think that's how they're going to stay in power. They're actually creating the mechanisms to stay in power, despite elections. And so the base here is very violent, they're armed to the teeth. You put out a so-called "dog whistle" like that, really, it's a bullhorn. You put out a message like that, and what is this base going to do? They're going to go out and blame African Americans. And there's a potential for violent backlash there. Not to mention that the biggest group numerically of un-vaccinated people is white people. And the biggest group of people who have vaccine refusal are the white Republicans.
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