THIS WEEK'S LABOR CALENDAR; click here for latest listings
Union City Radio: 7:15am daily WPFW-FM 89.3 FM; click here to hear today's report
Union City Radio: Your Rights at Work: Thu, September 2, 1pm – 2pm
WPFW 89.3 FM or listen online. "Working in DC" artistic director Shanara Gabrielle & Episode 8 of the San Francisco Mime Troupe's "Tales of the Resistance" radio drama.
Arlington Dems Labor Caucus: Thu, September 2, 6pm – 8pm
Meeting of union members and friends of labor in Arlington. For more information contact [email protected].
Working In DC (Previews): Fri-Sun, September 3-5, 7:30pm – 9:00pm
AFL-CIO, 815 Black Lives Matter Plaza NW, Washington, DC xxxxxx, USA (map)
Labor On The Bimah Multiple dates/locations, beginning Friday, Sept. 3.
Labor Day weekend events: click here for latest calendar.
Got Labor Day events? Send details to [email protected] for a special Labor Day edition of Union City tomorrow!
Kroger members ratify new Richmond/Tidewater contract Following votes taken over two days at stores throughout the region, UFCW Local 400 members working at Kroger under the Richmond/Tidewater contract have voted to ratify a new collective bargaining agreement. Members voted 358-12 in favor of adopting the new contract. “The new three-year agreement preserves our voice in our health care, puts real money in our pockets, and gets us additional paid time off,” said Local 400. “Thanks to the actions of our members, we were able to prevent a company health care plan that would have eliminated our voice in health care decisions,” said UFCW Local 400 President Mark Federici. “While we did not get everything we want, this was a significant victory in protecting our hard-won benefits.”
WaPo Guild forms Latino Caucus Members of the Washington Post Guild have formed a Latino Caucus to promote and celebrate the Latino and Hispanic members of their newsroom. The group was created out of a desire of Latino staffers to have a space to share ideas and celebrate their “Latinidad.” They plan to push for greater inclusion, advocate for better representation of the Latino community in the Post’s coverage, and fight for improvements in workplace culture and practices. In announcing their formation, the Latino Caucus noted that while 17.1% of D.C. region’s population and 18.5% of the country’s population identify as Hispanic or Latino, only 5.8% of staffers at The Washington Post identify themselves that way. “We’re here to change that,” they said.
How you can help labor win in CA recall election The call you make here in the DMV could help workers in California. Starting this week the National AFL-CIO is partnering with the California Labor Federation to host virtual phone banks in support of the “No” vote in the California recall election. Over 1 million active and retired union members live in California and the recall of Gov. Newsom and replacement by an anti-union ultra-conservative would be a devastating blow to the labor movement and millions of workers, said the AFL-CIO. “We must do everything we can to deliver a ‘No’ vote on this anti-union recall effort, and that means getting back on the phones to talk to union members about this critical election.” The phonebank is open today 5-8pm and 8:30-11:30pm ET and then again Sept. 7, 8, 9 & 10. Click here to sign up for a specific shift. More info here.
Labor Radio Podcast Network celebrates Labor Day growth to 130 shows As working people across America prepare to celebrate Labor Day on September 6, the rapidly-expanding Labor Radio Podcast Network is celebrating its ability to offer them 130 radio shows and podcasts that focus on work and workers’ issues. The Network is also celebrating the launch of a new database of its labor-oriented shows, from the Bakery union’s BCTGM Voices Project to the Carpenters union podcast GRIT Northwest and Union Strong, the official podcast of the New York State AFL-CIO. While most of the Network’s shows originate in the U.S., listeners can also find programs from Canada, South America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. The network hosts its own podcast, the Labor Radio Podcast Weekly, which features highlights from Network member shows each week. The Network was founded in 2019 by Union City Managing Editor Chris Garlock, who produces Union City Radio and Your Rights at Work on WPFW 89.3FM as well as the Labor History Today and Labor Goes to the Movies podcasts.
Today's Labor Quote: Shanara Gabrielle
“We believe in the power of the arts and that they belong to all of us!”
Gabrielle (above, second from left, standing), is the artistic director of “Working in DC”, seen here with the cast.
This week’s Labor History Today podcast: Marching on Washington: civil rights to voting rights. Last week's show: Sacco and Vanzetti; Midnight in Vehicle City.
September 2 White and Chinese immigrants battle in Rock Springs, Wyo. fueled by racial tensions and the practice of Union Pacific Raiload of hiring lower-paid Chinese over whites. At least 25 Chinese died and 15 more were injured. Rioters burned 75 Chinese homes - 1885
Operating railway employees win 8 hour day - 1916
Mineowners bomb West Virginia strikers by plane, using homemade bombs filled with nails and metal fragments. The bombs missed their targets or failed to explode - 1921
- David Prosten
Material published in UNION CITY may be freely reproduced by any recipient; please credit Union City as the source.
Published by the Metropolitan Washington Council, an AFL-CIO "Union City" Central Labor Council whose 200 affiliated union locals represent 150,000 area union members.
Story suggestions, event announcements, campaign reports, Letters to the Editor and other material are welcome, subject to editing for clarity and space; just click on the mail icon below. You can also reach us on Facebook and Twitter by clicking on those icons.