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Thursday, September 2nd, 2021

Red Cross Says

Bill Sardi

The Revengeful Suffering Orchestrated by the American Empire on Afghans Will Be of Biblical Proportions

Chris Hedges

When the Constitution Fails Us

Andrew P. Napolitano

Drawing Closer

Bob Murphy and Jordan Peterson

CDC/FDA Smoking Gun of Smoking Guns

Jon Rappoport

The U.S. Has a Plan For What’s Next in Afghanistan – It Does Not Include Peace

Moon of Alabama

How Politicians Will Try To “Fix” Inflation with 3 Dangerous Policies

Doug Casey

Thinking of Enlisting? Read This Afghan War-Inspired Warning Label First

Brian McGlinchey

Preserving Capital through Bankruptcy

Douglas French

How To Survive a Summer Power Outage

Daisy Luther

The Russian Covid Vaccines

Paul Craig Roberts

Feud for Thought

Steve Sailer


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