The latest NDIS news - without the spin or jargon No images? Click here ![]() Hi Supporter, It is a worrying, uncertain time for so many people with disability and families. It was not very long ago that we won (!!) the fight against independent assessments. But things are still really tough for people with disability, families and people who work with and for us. COVID has come back with a vengeance - and too many people with disability are not safe. The Minister for the NDIS is still on an NDIS "cost blowouts" scare campaign - while people with disability continue to tell us their plan funds are being slashed. We know you are tired and busy and over it. So just in case you missed it - here's a little info on what's been happening lately. Why the Federal Government’s story about NDIS funding differences doesn’t add upWhat's wrong with this picture? Minister for the NDIS Linda Reynolds has been back in the media recently with more "cost blowout" headlines. It's the same story we have been hearing from the Federal Government all year. They're saying people from big cities and wealthy areas are getting the biggest plans. But we've had a look at the data - and their story does not add up. Find out what the data told us - and why we need to keep putting pressure on the government to release the raw data and assumptions. Open letter: the reality of booking a COVID vaccination for children with disability and medical conditionsIn August, teenagers with disability became eligible to get the COVID vaccine. But as many families and young people found out the hard way, actually getting an appointment and the jab was almost impossible. Our old friend Heike wrote an open letter to the government to help them understand what the problems were and what needs to change. Vulnerable Australians forgotten in race to reopen"In the race to vaccinate the population, it is essential that the people we considered the highest priority in January do not continue to be left behind." Professor Nancy Baxter and Professor Anne Kavanagh from Melbourne University have been watching the COVID-19 vaccine rollout closely, and advocating for better outcomes for the people most at risk. Here's their take on why the vaccine rollout has been such a devastating failure for our community. Supported decision making in the NDISThe NDIA have given everyone a bit of extra time (until September 10) to tell them what they think about support for decision making in the NDIS. Our friends from Inclusion Australia shared their thoughts on why being able to make your own decisions is so important for people with an intellectual disability. That's it from us for now - but if you would like to see the NDIA and the NDIS Minister answering some tough questions, tune into Senate Estimates from the Australian Parliament website tomorrow from 4:45pm to 6pm AEST - or follow our live tweets instead. We will be back in touch as soon as we have more information about potential changes to the NDIS legislation - and we'll have new ways for you to get involved and have your say too. But for right now – we want you to do what you can to take good care of yourselves and each other. Don't be afraid to get in touch with safe and helpful people. Be kind to yourselves. x |