Take action now to extend emergency COVID sick leave in California
Dear John,
In less than 30 days California’s emergency supplemental COVID sick leave will expire if our elected officials in Sacramento don’t act. Without an extension, many California workers will be in danger of losing their jobs if they are unfortunate enough to get infected with COVID. School workers without sufficient sick leave will also be at risk of losing pay should they become infected with COVID.
Tell California’s elected leaders to extend emergency supplemental COVID sick leave now!
With most kids still too young to qualify for vaccinations and schools reopening, parents are already receiving notices of quarantines and classroom closures, potentially requiring families to keep kids home for days or weeks at a time. Without the extension of emergency COVID sick leave, parents are at risk of being terminated or forced to quit their jobs to care for their children.
Allowing the emergency COVID sick leave to expire will directly force both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals to work while sick, jeopardizing their health and the health of their co-workers and the public.
Please urge California lawmakers to extend the emergency supplemental COVID sick leave. The safety of our families and communities is at stake.
In Unity,
Jeffery M. Freitas
CFT President