Election night mixer. Oct 21 Doors at 6PM
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** After you have voted, join us.
We have large screen coverage of the election returns, plenty of food and a bar. Mostly, we will have a lot of folks who just want to socialize and enjoy a fun evening with fellow political junkies and new friends. $20 donation at the door to cover costs. We look forward to meeting you there.
The Days Inn is located at 600 Cranbrook St North.
Check out our YouTube Channel: Kootenay Columbia Peoples Party, here's the link ([link removed]) . We have some great clips there, short and to the point. Share them on your social media platforms, too.
Thanks for your ongoing support. Donations by cheque should use this form ([link removed]) and be mailed to: Kootenay Columbia Financial Agent, B-414 Silica Street, Nelson, BC V1L4ML
Copyright © *|2019|* *|KC PPC EDA|*.
Please share this newsletter with friends and family but please keep it in its original complete unaltered form. Thanks.
Keep in touch, tweet about us, Facebook us, too:
Email: ** ppc.kc.eda@gmail.com (mailto:ppc.kc.eda@gmail.com)
Twitter: ** @rickstewartppc ([link removed])
Twitter: ** ColumbiaEDA ([link removed])
Twitter: ** @MaximeBernier ([link removed])
Facebook: Rick Stewart PPC
Web:** Kootenay Columbia EDA ([link removed])
Postal address: Kootenay Columbia Financial Agent, B-414 Silica Street, Nelson, BC V1L4ML
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Kootenay Columbia PPc EDA . B-414 Silica Street . Nelson, BC V1L4ML . Canada
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