Dear John,
I hope you are having a good week!
First and foremost, I just want to thank you for your partnership with Human Coalition. Because of your faithful support, thousands of moms are reached with the love and hope of Christ. They are connected to critical resources that empowers them to not only choose life, but to THRIVE.
And most importantly, thousands of children are rescued from abortion every year.
One of the best parts about my role at Human Coalition is getting the chance to see the long-term impact of your partnership. With the prayers and support of so many pro-life partners, it has now been over 11 years since the first child was rescued. And in that time, over 21,300 children have been rescued from abortion.
It’s amazing to think about, but many of these little ones aren’t babies anymore!
They are growing up, playing sports, riding bikes, making friends, and THRIVING – all thanks to you. In fact, thousands of these children got to go to school for the first time just in the last several weeks. Praise God!

Major, a child who was rescued from abortion thanks to your support, recently had his first day of second grade.
As exciting as this time is, it also can’t be forgotten that there are millions of other children who are missing from school busses, playgrounds, and classrooms because of abortion.
Upwards of 62 million children have been killed in abortion clinics since 1973. It’s no exaggeration to say that generations of children and families have been lost to abortion.
Even more devastating is that most moms don’t want to have an abortion. We hear stories every week of moms who desperately want to choose life, but are facing incredibly difficult circumstances that make them feel like abortion is their only option.
Adding to their pressure is Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry, who takes advantage of their fear and anxiety, and selfishly pushes them to abort.
But you can change that… and that’s why this NEW opportunity is so important.
A generous partner has given a $175,000 Challenge Grant to jumpstart the rescue effort this back-to-school season and encourage you to give too.
This Challenge Grant means that YOUR gift today can help DOUBLE the lifesaving impact, when combined with the grant. But this opportunity is only available through September 30 at MIDNIGHT.
To kick-off this effort to DOUBLE the lifesaving impact during the month of September, I need partners like you to fill these spots as quickly as possible:
- 50 Champions of Life Who Can Give $25 or more
- 25 Champions of Life Who Can Give $50 or more
- 15 Champions of Life Who Can Give $100 or more
- 10 Champions of Life Who Can Give $200 or more
Will you give RIGHT NOW and fill one of these spots? When you do, you’ll not only rescue future generations of children, but you’ll empower entire families with the support system they need for lasting stability.
Every life is precious. And every life deserves the chance to not only live, but to THRIVE.
That’s the impact you have by giving today, John. By giving generously, YOU reach more moms with the help and hope they need in their time of crisis. YOU help more families overcome their obstacles and restore stability. And YOU ensure more children get to experience a first day of school.
Will you give your best gift today, and help DOUBLE the lifesaving impact to rescue even more children and families from the horror of abortion?
Thank you so much for answering the call and giving generously today. You’re such a blessing!
For Life,
Rachel Lane
Sr. National Director of Family Services
P.S. — Don’t forget, I need pro-life champions like you to fill one of the spots listed above to kick-off the effort to rescue more children and families. Will you fill one of those spots with an immediate gift, and help rescue even more children from the grip of abortion?