An infuriating failure...
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August 2021 Update

I listened to President Biden's address yesterday. He didn't atone for his poor decision-making and didn't even take questions. I'm not satisfied. Here are the facts:

Joe Biden left hundreds of Americans behind in Afghanistan under Taliban control. The Americans and our Afghan allies left behind will be subject to many horrors such as persecution, abuse, capture and even death. We know the jihadists that rule the Taliban do not live by the same moral code we do. 

In the midst of Biden's botch, ISIS-K took the lives of 13 U.S. servicemembers. Meanwhile, our Commander in Chief retreated to his vacation home in Delaware, and Secretary Blinken was vacationing in the Hamptons as Kabul about political elites being out of touch.

Joe Biden isn't fit to be Commander in Chief. President Joe Biden, Defense Secretary Austin and Secretary of State Blinken should resign - they have failed the American people.

Biden and his team completely failed in the withdrawal and then attempted to shift blame to others. We have learned they turned over billions of dollars of military weapons to the Taliban. We are already seeing harrowing images of Taliban members in armored vehicles, body armor, military fatigues, and using our weapons. They are already well into their spree of terror, conducting public hangings from helicopters over Kabul, women and girls are being taken as soldier wives, women are prohibited from attending schools, they are praising suicide bombers, and they have pledged to reinstate extreme versions of Islamic law.

Biden has attempted to paint the airlift as a great success - it wasn't. America was forced into this dire situation due to his lack of a plan and poor leadership. The situation he created cost 13 U.S. service members lives. Biden's administration told us no American would be left behind. Only to find out they left hundreds of Americans behind. They sacrificed Americans and our allies during their botched exit from Kabul. They showed willful negligence in underestimating the Taliban and created a threat to our national security.

Democrats in Congress have turned a blind eye to Afghanistan. Democrats must join with Republicans to hold Biden and his administration accountable for this failure. 

Join me in demanding a full investigation. Demand Biden is held accountable.

Thank you for your continued prayers for Afghanistan,
Sign the Petition to tell Biden to resign
ICYMI: Did you complete the August issues survey? What do you think about Biden's response in Afghanistan? What do you think about the mask policies in schools? Complete the survey.
This month, I spoke at the Willow Valley GOP meeting to give a D.C. update. A crowd of over 150 enthusiastic residents who are concerned about the Democrat's spending spree and Biden's inability to lead.
ICYMI: Lloyd in the Media
The situation in Afghanistan: Smucker Responds
Smucker response on Afghanistan
UTZ Celebrating 100 Years
Pennsylvania prepares for Afghan Refugees
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Joe Biden continues to fail Americans on economic recovery, jobs, immigration, security and election integrity. The 11th Congressional District overwhelmingly rejected his agenda, because we knew he would cave to the interests of the radical left.
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