Green Party of Canada


After a summer of catastrophic climate-related disasters and the loudest climate alarm bell sounded by the scientific community yet, it is clear: this election is one of our most important chances for real climate action.

This must be the election that ushers in urgent and decisive climate policy.

This is the election that we commit to end fracking and cancelling all new fossil fuel projects, that we invest in green infrastructure and renewable energy, that we implement a carbon budget and tax to keep corporations accountable.

This is the election when we commit to completing our social safety net and creating millions of jobs in the green economy. 

This is the election future generations will talk about as the moment everything changed and Canada got serious about climate action and ensuring a life of dignity for all.

This is THE climate election. But only if Greens are there.

The other political parties don’t have credible plans. The Liberals have even presented the Trans Mountain pipeline as a climate solution. They are willing to build pipelines, subsidize fossil fuels and support fracking. The only way to make sure Canada’s response to the crisis matches the scale of the crisis is with Greens in Ottawa.

The Green Party has an ambitious and decisive climate plan. I am proud to be Nanaimo-Ladysmith’s Green candidate once again. People across Canada can count on Green MPs to fight for serious policy to tackle the climate crisis, and build a future where nobody is left behind.

Right now, we need your support to bring the Green plan to Ottawa this election day with an even larger caucus of Green MPs.


When we ask you to donate, it’s not just about supporting the hundreds of Green candidates. It’s about our future, and ensuring we have the means and the leverage to get our plan heard on the national stage. Can you please make a contribution?

These next few years will decide if we continue to let fossil fuel corporations line their pockets by selling away our future, or if Canada steps up, staves off the worst effects of global warming, and creates resilient, healthy communities. With your help, we can make this the climate election and ensure a safe, livable future.

Thank you, Greens,

Paul Manly

Paul Manly
Candidate for Nanaimo-Ladysmith
Green Party of Canada


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Authorized by the Green Party of Canada Fund, Chief Agent for the Green Party of Canada.