Dear friend —
My apologies!  A moment ago we accidentally sent an email to our entire list for an event that was intended only for those who have donated at a certain level to support the Quincy Institute. 
We have a 
public event on Afghanistan next Tuesday, Sept. 7 and another in the works for Friday, Sept. 10 that are open to everyone. We will be in touch with details on the latter as the event draws near.  
Meanwhile, if the private briefing is particularly interesting to you, it’s not too late! You can donate $250 or more to the Quincy Institute today and join Friday’s call. (This is me trying to make lemonade out of lemons!)

My apologies again,

Lora Lumpe
CEO of the Quincy Institute
Our mailing address is:
Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft
2000 Pennsylvania Ave NW Ste 7000
Washington, DC 20006-1921

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