From Metro Washington Council AFL-CIO <[email protected]>
Subject ACTION ALERT: DC-area Labor Day preview
Date September 1, 2021 4:31 PM
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John: While the pandemic has canceled our usual parades and picnics, the metro area labor community has found other ways to celebrate our solidarity this year. Now, more than ever, that solidarity is necessary as we face historic challenges. Please share the information below widely, especially via social media. It's posted on our [link removed] website, and you can also easily retweet/share from our [link removed] Twitter and [link removed] Facebook accounts. Together, there's nothing we can't accomplish!

- Dyana Forester, President, Metro Washington Labor Council, AFL-CIO

[link removed] WORKING IN DC : The Musical

Fri-Sun, September 3-5, 7:30pm - 9:00pm

AFL-CIO, 815 Black Lives Matter Plaza NW, Washington, DC xxxxxx

A joyful musical highlighting workers in America - based on the acclaimed literature of Studs Terkel with music by some of Broadway's best known composers. A public celebration of the dignity of work through the lens of history, labor, justice, and the arts. Presented in collaboration with The Labor Heritage Foundation and hosted by the AFL-CIO.


Multiple dates/locations, beginning Friday, Sept. 3

Since 1998, Jews United for Justice (JUFJ) has worked to put "labor" back into Labor Day "by engaging our local Jewish communities in a collective conversation about our texts, our historical experiences, and the challenges facing workers today."[link removed] Nine services are planned this year at area congregations, many virtual and some hybrid or in-person. In addition to providing resources and working with congregations to arrange speakers, JUFJ is planning follow-up events to help members of participating congregations learn more about some of the injustices facing DMV workers today.


Monday, September 6, 8am - 2pm

WPFW 89.3FM; or [link removed] listen online.

Hosted by Chris Garlock & Elise Bryant

This year's show features labor radio drama, music, theater and books, plus frontline reports from major strikes and a visit with hosts from the rapidly expanding Labor Radio Podcast Network.


Monday, September 6&sdot;11:00am - 12:30pm (Virtual event)

[link removed] RSVP here

Hosted by 1199SEIU United Healthcare Workers East.

As area workers return to classrooms, worksites, and buildings, 1199SEIU UHWE says "We all need to come together to fight for our health and safety, and rights on the job. Like so many have done before us, when we stand together and take action, we have the power to make our jobs better."


Celebrated by Cardinal Wilton Gregory

Monday, September 6, 1pm - 3pm

[link removed]]%2522%257D&sa=D&ust=1630933786495000&usg=AOvVaw1HW-ZY3vPjEywIxcKQUSA5 Live on Facebook

This Labor Day the Catholic Labor Network, an association of the faithful based in Washington DC, will host its second annual livestreamed Labor Day Mass for our friends around the United States and beyond. We are pleased to report that the Mass will be celebrated by our very own Cardinal Wilton Gregory of the Archdiocese of Washington! Cardinal Gregory will be joined by Patti Devlin of LiUNA, Yanira Merino of the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA) and Clayton Sinyai of the Catholic Labor Network for this very special Labor Day liturgy at 1pm ET. Join us as we honor labor, reflect on Catholic Social Teaching and pray for the millions of workers who have suffered in a special way during the pandemic.

Got Labor Day events? Send details to us at mailto:[email protected] [email protected] for a special Labor Day edition of Union City this Friday!

Forward UNION CITY! to all your friends and colleagues or click here to spread the word!

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