Dear  —

Thank you for your support of our work at the Quincy Institute. 

I am writing to invite you to a briefing on America’s withdrawal from the Afghan war with two of our experts who have been in the thick of the policy and media debates — Adam Weinstein, who served as a Marine in Afghanistan in 2012, and Anatol Lieven, who was a journalist focused on Afghanistan and Pakistan for 13 years. The briefing will take place this Friday, Sept 3 from 2-3 pm ET.

We will address why it was so difficult for Washington to end the war, as well as our role in advocating for the U.S. to leave and for the evacuation of former interpreters and human rights activists.

We hope you can join us for this private virtual briefing, where we will be glad to answer your questions.

Please RSVP to [email protected] for the Zoom link if you are able to join us. 

I hope to see you, and I thank you for your support!

Best wishes,

Lora Lumpe
CEO of the Quincy Institute

P.S. HERE's a link to QI Research Fellow Adam Weinstein and QI Distinguished Non-Resident Fellow Joseph Cirincione on The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell.

Join us for a timely and important conversation with:
Adam Weinstein
Adam Weinstein is a Research Fellow at the Quincy Institute, who focuses on Afghanistan and Pakistan. He is a lawyer and previously worked for KPMG’s international trade practice in Asia. He has also worked as senior law and policy analyst at the National Iranian American Council, where he focused on U.S. immigration policy and national security. Adam served as a U.S. Marine and deployed to Uruzgan Province Afghanistan in 2012. He has a JD from Temple University Beasley School of Law, with a concentration in international law and transitional justice.
Anatol Lieven
Anatol Lieven is QI’s Senior Research Fellow on Russia and Europe. He was formerly a professor at Georgetown University in Qatar and in the War Studies Department of King’s College London. He is a member of the advisory committee of the South Asia Department of the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office. For 13 years, Anatol worked as a journalist in South Asia, the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe and covered the wars in Afghanistan, Chechnya and the southern Caucasus. He is author of several books, including Ukraine and Russia: A Fraternal Rivalry, Pakistan: A Hard Country, and Climate Change and the Nation State. He holds a BA and PhD from Cambridge University in England.
Lora Lumpe (Moderator)
Lora Lumpe is the CEO of the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft. Prior to joining Qi, she was advocacy director at the Open Society Foundations, where she helped build and lead a field of groups working to challenge U.S. arms sales, military assistance, use of force, and military spending. She worked with dozens of partners from across a range of approaches to grow and direct their power to achieve coordinated wins on Capitol Hill. Prior to that she lobbied the U.S. Congress on behalf of the Quakers and the Federation of American Scientists and was a senior researcher at the Peace Research Institute Oslo.
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