Engaging the Diaconate: How Dallas Equips Deacons
to Integrate Faith and Service
October 27, 2021, 3:00 pm EST
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Permanent deacons in the Roman Catholic Church have the unique opportunity to be activated, engaged, and unleashed to strengthen the integration of faith and service for the Church and for its people. With the intention of empowering deacons to work closely with their local Catholic Charities office, and in service to each deacon’s specific parish and the greater diocese, representatives from Catholic Charities Dallas Parish & Community Relations Office and the Diocese of Dallas Diaconal Ministry and Formation Office will present how this is being done in the Diocese of Dallas.
Presenters will explore the practical ways in which they seek to achieve the broader goal of “Catholic Charities fluency (CCD)” among all levels of Catholic leadership in the diocese as a primer for reaching fluency levels in the community as a whole. CCD fluency, defined as knowing what Catholic Charities does, why they do it, and how to get involved, is the critical next step in integrating the capacity that deacons have with the needs of their Charities agency. Their offices have worked together to create a “Catholic Charities Dallas Diaconate Certification” program, offering deep dives into the specifics of what, why, and how to get involved of Catholic Charities service within the diocese.
Dallas intends to present itself as a case study to promote consideration of how this model can be improved and adapted to specific circumstances, with the end goal of increasing knowledge and fluency of the Catholic Social Teaching principles that motivate our mission among a much broader community nationally.
This webinar’s presenters are Lacy de la Garza, M.Psy., Director of Parish & Community Relations for Catholic Charities Dallas, and Fr. Emmett Hall, Director of Diaconal Ministry & Formation for the Diocese of Dallas. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.