From Sonke Gender Justice <[email protected]>
Subject End of term evaluation for the Save the Children & Sonke Partnership
Date September 1, 2021 2:41 PM
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** Re-published terms of reference for: The end of term evaluation for the Save the Children & Sonke Partnership


(Please note this Terms of Reference replaces the earlier one published in July 2021)


BUDGET: R100 000


These terms of reference apply to an end of term evaluation for the MenCare Campaign Eastern and Southern Africa project in partnership with Save the Children.
1. Project Background

Save the Children East and Southern Africa Regional Office (Regional Programming Unit), in partnership with Sonke Gender Justice (Sonke), initiated the implementation of a project titled the East and Southern Africa MenCare/Fatherhood Campaign in 2016.
2. Goal, Objectives, Outcomes, and Indicators

The goal of the project centered around the following three aspects:
1. To increase fathers’ involvement in childcare and protection;
2. To reduce the prevalence of violence against children through the direct engagement of men and boys in care and protection in six focus countries in Eastern and Southern Africa;
3. To challenge the practice of child marriage.

Note: The full terms of reference and logic framework will be shared with the consultant with additional project documents upon request.
3. Purpose of the End of Term Evaluation

The objectives of this end of term evaluation are four-fold. Firstly, to determine the extent to which the project has achieved its stated outcomes. Secondly, the evaluation must highlight challenges experienced in the implementation of the project and how/if these challenges affected the programme implementation. Thirdly to critically assess the strategies employed to overcome the experienced challenges and finally to report lessons learnt from this project.

The findings of this evaluation will be used to inform future engagements in similar spaces and will shape future project proposals by Sonke, strengthening the organisational capacity towards improved implementation of projects of similar nature. Towards this end the focus of data collection and analysis for this evaluation should be on the following aspects:
* The collection of accurate and independent information on the implementation of the project and the project’s outcomes;
* Analysis of the likely sustainability of the observed and reported project achievements;
* Analysis of the effectiveness of different project components and contextual factors influencing outcomes;
* Present lessons learnt by practitioners and recommendations to enhance future programme implementation and innovation.

3. Evaluation Scope

The scope of this evaluation includes all activities within the project MenCare Campaign Eastern and Southern Africa that were conducted under the auspices of the Save the Children/Sonke partnership programme, for the period 2017-2021. The six countries involved are Mozambique, Ethiopia, Zambia, Kenya, Tanzania and Zanzibar.
4. Methodology

The evaluation must make use of a qualitative research design employing data collection methods such as virtual face-to-face interviews and the compilation of case studies. Secondary data sources required for the evaluation will be made available to the appointed consultant and these sources need to be scrutinised closely. Due to budget constraints as well as the realities related to the current Covid 19 pandemic the appointed service provider will not be required to travel to the respective countries but rather engage in face-to-face discussions with key stakeholders via applicable and available virtual platforms.
5. Key activities & time schedule

The estimated duration of the evaluation is four months, that is inclusive from September to December 2021. The external evaluator is expected to produce within two weeks from signing of the contract an Inception Report, including a feasible evaluation plan. By end of September an Inception Workshop will be conducted to approve the research instruments and data collection plan. Following the submission of a draft report, by the end of November, the appointed consultant team will be required to present the main findings and recommendations to Sonke. After this presentation the consultant team will be required to make final changes to the report and submit the final report by an agreed-upon date in December 2021.
4. Required competencies & expertise

The evaluation team will consist of a team of people who collectively have a good amount of experience evaluating development projects focussed on gender equitable and positive parenting, including positive discipline strategies within the African region. Proven knowledge and expertise in qualitative research methodologies, research report compilation and writing, and social change regarding gender equality and parenting. The team must be skilled in participatory monitoring and evaluation and they must have demonstrable analytical, writing, and communication skills. There must be a main point person for the project.

10. Budget

The budget for this project is estimated at R100 000.

The project coordinator from Sonke will support the consultant as required. The Save the Children country office coordinator will also be required to assist the consultant to reach out to the stakeholders who were part of the project.

How to apply

Should you wish to apply, please send a detailed CV, motivation letter, and a short proposal brief (including methodology and activities proposed to achieve objectives of evaluation, tentative timeline, and financial proposal) to:

Nombulelo Mazwi
Research, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Unit Administrator
Email: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])
Deliwe Menyuko
Regional Programmes Coordinator
Email: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])
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