Patients are paying the price. Do your part to fight back.
Planned Parenthood
This is how the Texas abortion emergency will unfold, starting today:

Someone will find out they're pregnant, and they'll know that abortion is the right choice for them. They may only be six or seven weeks pregnant — pretty early to find out. But when they go to schedule an appointment with an abortion provider, it will already be too late.

Because starting today, the majority of people in Texas seeking an abortion will be denied the care they need because of politicians trying to control their bodies and their personal decisions.
This is the story that will play out again and again in Texas as the law known as S.B. 8 goes into effect. This dangerous law bans all abortion after six weeks of pregnancy, with no exceptions in cases of rape or incest. That's before many people know they're pregnant. In fact, 84% of abortions in Texas happen after six weeks.

Providers will be forced to stop providing abortions for those 84% of people — doctors and local health centers, including Planned Parenthood centers, will be required by law to turn patients away. It's horrifying, but our commitment to patient health and rights will not waver. Not now, not ever.

Please, make your gift right now to stand with patients in Texas. We will put your donation to work to support patients by making sure they know their options, by directly funding access to abortion out of state, and by fighting in court to overturn this assault on bodily autonomy.

This law doesn't just interfere with patients and doctors. It also allows any private citizen — a neighbor, an abusive partner, a stranger — to sue people who provide abortions or help others access abortion after six weeks. It even rewards them with a minimum payoff of $10,000 if they successfully sue their neighbors.

Texas is leading the nation down a dark path, and you can be sure that if this bill stands, other states will soon follow.

We need your help to provide immediate support to patients and doctors in Texas, and to do everything we can to reverse this very cruel law. Please, make your emergency gift now — every dollar will be put to work to defend abortion access in Texas and support Texans seeking abortion.

We will never give up on the patients who depend on us, and we are not about to back down in this fight. Stay tuned for what comes next in this fight.

Planned Parenthood