We’re taking our campaign to the next level. Please — if you can afford to do so — can you make a $2.70 contribution to our campaign to elect Bernie Sanders and transform our country?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders rallied with more than 25,000 people in New York City yesterday. Ilhan Omar endorsed our campaign this week too.

We are the only campaign with more contributions than Donald Trump. More than 1 million people have chipped in to make Bernie Sanders our next president.

That’s probably got a lot of folks in the establishment worried. It can’t make the health insurance or fossil fuel industries too happy, either. We knew we’d be up against powerful special interests who don’t want to see us transform our country. So we’re not too worried.

Because if all of us work together — and if we give it all we’ve got — we can win. So we’re asking you again today. Will you make a contribution to our campaign?

Please contribute $2.70 — or whatever you can afford right now — to take our campaign to the next level.

This campaign is bigger than any of us individually. It’s about our movement, and what we can do together. Thanks for being a part of it.

In solidarity,

Team Bernie