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This August issue of the newsletter includes links to Irish and international publications related
to alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.
To view our entire collection of research and access our resources visit our website [
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], Ireland's comprehensive substance use research library. And follow us on Twitter @HRBdrugslibrary
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Irish-related publications
Drugnet Ireland, Issue 78, Summer 2021
(2021) Dublin: Health Research Board
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Spending review 2021. Focused policy assessment of Reducing Harm, Supporting Recovery: an analysis
of expenditure and performance in the area of drug and alcohol misuse
Bruton, Lucy et al (2021) Dublin: Government of Ireland
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Relationships between patterns of cannabis use, abuse and dependence and recent stimulant use:
evidence from two national surveys in Ireland
Millar, Seán R et al (2021) PLoS ONE, 16, (8), e0255745.
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Drug-related deaths in Ireland: key patterns and trends 2008-2017. Drug insights report 1
(2021) Dublin: Health Service Executive, National Office for Social Inclusion.
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Naloxone stories from Dublin. Insights from staff and service users to mark International Overdose
Awareness Day 31st August 2021
(2021) Dublin: Ana Liffey Drug Project.
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Family ‘turning point’ experiences and the process of youth becoming homeless.
Mayock, Paula et al (2021) Child & Family Social Work, 26, (3), pp. 415-424
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The unmet rehabilitation needs in an inclusion health integrated care programme for homeless adults
in Dublin, Ireland.
Carroll, Áine et al (2021) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18,
(15), 7917
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Leadership and community healthcare reform: a study using the Competing Values Framework (CVF).
O'Neill, Debra et al (2021) Leadership in Health Services, Early online.
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Report of proceedings: Garda youth diversion projects virtual conference 2021
Egan, Annabel (2021) Dublin: Department of Justice
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COVID-19 thematic inspection of Mountjoy, Cloverhill, Wheatfield and Limerick prisons.
(2021) Dublin: Office of the Inspector of Prisons
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Where and what you drink Is linked to how much you drink: an exploratory survey of alcohol use in 17
Davies, Emma L et al (2021) Substance Use & Misuse, Early online,
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Trends in strong opioid prescribing in Ireland: A repeated cross-sectional analysis of a national
pharmacy claims database between 2010 and 2019
Norris, Brid A et al (2021) Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, 30, (8), pp.1003-1011.
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The dialectics of heroin and methadone in Ireland.
Saris, A. Jamie (2021) Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine, Early online.
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SMART Recovery International and COVID-19: Expanding the reach of mutual support through online
Kelly, Peter J et al (2021) Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 108568. doi:
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Dialectical behaviour therapy skills training for individuals with substance use disorder: A
systematic review.
Warner, Niamh and Murphy, Mike (2021) Drug and Alcohol Review, Early online.
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Retention in opioid agonist treatment: a rapid review and meta-analysis comparing observational
studies and randomized controlled trials.
Klimas, Jan et al (2021) Systematic Reviews, 10, (1), p.216
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See Change sessions with Alittlegail. S3 E13: Getting uncomfortable talking about addiction and
overdoses. [Audio]
McDonnell, Abigail (2021) Kildare: See Change
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Active* Consent for school communities: overview of the schools programme and research findings
MacNeela, Padraig et al (2021) Galway: NUI Galway.
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Spending review 2021: Impact of demographic change on health expenditure 2022-2025.
Department of Health. (2021) Dublin: Government of Ireland.
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How Ireland’s excise tax on drinks compares with other EU countries and the UK.
Foley, Anthony (2020) Dublin: Drinks Industry Group of Ireland.
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26 county gambling strategy.
Sinn Fein (2021) Dublin: Sinn Fein.
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Safer gambling code.
(2021) Dublin: Irish Bookmakers Association
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Overview report on the monitoring and regulation of healthcare services in 2020.
Health Information and Quality Authority (2021) Dublin: HIQA
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Mental Health Reform annual report 2020
(2021) Dublin: Mental Health Reform
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Department of Justice action plan 2021.
(2021) Dublin: Department of Justice
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Detailed trade statistics June 2021
(2021) Cork: Central Statistics Office
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International publications
Behavioural competencies for Canada's substance use workforce
(2021) Ottawa: Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction
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Substance use and the workplace: supporting employers and employees in the trades [Toolkit].
CCSA, Health Canada (2021) Ottawa: Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction.
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What is inclusion health and why is it important for all nurses and midwives?
Waterall, Jamie et al (2021) British Journal of Nursing, 30, (14), pp.866-867
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Parental education and inequalities in child mortality: a global systematic review and meta-analysis
Balaj, Mirza et al (2021) The Lancet, 398, (10300), pp. 608-620
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Turning the tide: growth, visibility and impact of the civil society drug policy reform movement at
the UN.
. Fordham, Ann et al (2021) London: International Drug Policy Consortium
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The Drug Science podcast episode 42. Alternatives to prohibition with Dr Sheila Vakharia and Prof
Alex Stevens
Nutt, David (2021) London: Drug Science
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Approach to the adolescent with substance use in the acute setting
Sathanantham, Sujetha et al (2021) Cureus, 13, (7), e16309
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COVID-19 & substance use
National Institute on Drug Abuse (2021)
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The effect of depressive symptoms on pain in a substance-using population with persistent pain: a
cross-sectional cohort study
Voon, Pauline et al (2021) BMC Psychiatry, 21, 416
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Traumatic events during childhood and its risks to substance use in adulthood: an observational and
genome-wide by environment interaction study in UK Biobank
Cheng, Shiqiang et al (2021) Translational Psychiatry, 11, 431
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New psychoactive substances and suicidality: a systematic review of the current literature.
Chiappini, Stefania et al (2021) Medicina, 57, (6), 580
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Online surveillance of novel psychoactive substances (NPS): monitoring Reddit discussions as a
predictor of increased NPS-related exposures
Barenholtz, Elan et al (2021) The International Journal of Drug Policy, 98, 103393.
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MDMA-related presentations to the emergency departments of the European Drug Emergencies Network
plus (Euro-DEN Plus) over the four-year period 2014-2017
Noseda, Roberta et al (2021) Clinical Toxicology, 59, (2), pp.131-137
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The needle & the damage done — the relationship between problematic substance use & domestic abuse -
British Association of Social Workers. (2021) London: British Association of Social Workers
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A scoping review of non-medical and extra-medical use of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
Brennan, Rebekah et al (2021) Drug Safety, Early online
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Brain multimodal co-alterations related to delay discounting: a multimodal MRI fusion analysis in
persons with and without cocaine use disorder.
Meade, Christina S et al (2021) BMC Neuroscience, 22, p.51
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Association patterns of cannabis abuse and dependence with risk of problematic non-substance-related
dysregulated and addictive behaviors.
Perales, José C et al (2021) PLoS ONE, 16, (8), e0255872
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Cannabinoids drugs and oral health-from recreational side-effects to medicinal purposes: a
systematic review
Bellocchio, Luigi et al (2021) International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22, (15), p. 8329
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Epigenetic regulation of cannabinoid-mediated attenuation of inflammation and its impact on the use
of cannabinoids to treat autoimmune diseases
Holloman, Bryan Latrell et al (2021) International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22, (14) 7302
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Efficacy and safety of cannabidiol plus standard care vs standard care alone for the treatment of
emotional exhaustion and burnout among frontline health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: a
randomized clinical trial
Crippa, José Alexandre S et al (2021) JAMA Network Open, 4, (8), e2120603
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Cannabis research in times of legalization: what’s on the agenda
Zwicky, Roman et al (2021) Ottawa: Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction
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Glucocorticoids, stress and delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) during early embryonic development.
Kuzma-Hunt, Alexander G et al (2021) International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22, (14), 7289.
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Early consumption of cannabinoids: from adult neurogenesis to behavior
Netzahualcoyotzi, Citlalli et al (2021) International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22, (14), 7450
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Correspondence: Peri-operative care of the cannabis user: practical considerations
Bhakta, Pradipta et al (2021) European Journal of Anaesthesiology, 38, (6), 664
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Cannabinoids, cannabis, and cannabis-based medicines for pain management: an overview of systematic
Moore, R et al (2021) Pain, 162, (Suppl 1), S67-S79
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International Association for the Study of Pain Presidential Task Force on Cannabis and Cannabinoid
Analgesia: research agenda on the use of cannabinoids, cannabis, and cannabis-based medicines for
pain management
Haroutounian, Simon et al (2021) Pain, 162, (Suppl 1), S117-S124
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Medical cannabis for treating various symptoms in Switzerland
Oordt, Anouk et al (2021) Berne: Federal Office of Public Health
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Cannabis and tobacco use prior to pregnancy and subsequent offspring birth outcomes: a 20-year
intergenerational prospective cohort study
Hines, Lindsey A et al (2021) Scientific Reports, 11, (1), 16826
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Opioid use disorder and the brain: a clinical perspective
Herlinger, K and Lingford-Hughes, A (2021) Addiction, Early online
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Association between receipt of overlapping opioid and benzodiazepine prescriptions from multiple
prescribers and overdose risk
Chua, Kao-Ping et al (2021) JAMA Network Open, 4, (8), e2120353
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Tissue regeneration: the dark side of opioids
Berthézène, Cécile Dromard et al (2021) International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22, (14), 7336
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Opioid use disorder treatment disruptions during the early COVID-19 pandemic and other emergent
disasters: a scoping review addressing dual public health emergencies
Henderson, Rita et al (2021) BMC Public Health, 21, (1), 1471
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Contingency management for patients receiving medication for opioid use disorder a systematic review
and meta-analysis
Bolívar, Hypatia A et al (2021) JAMA Psychiatry, Early online
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Trends in new prescription of gabapentinoids and of coprescription with opioids in the 4 nations of
the UK, 1993-2017
Rahman, Alvi et al (2021) British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 87, (8), pp.3349-3353
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Frequency and recency of non-medical opioid use and death due to overdose or suicide among
individuals assessed for risky substance use: a national registry study in Sweden
Lundgren, Lena et al (2021) Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, Early online
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General practice responses to opioid prescribing feedback: a qualitative process evaluation
Wood, Su et al (2021) The British Journal of General Practice, BJGP.2020, (1117)
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Opioid use disorder (OUD). Opioid agonist therapy
Institut national d'excellence en sante et en services sociaux. (2021) Quebec: INESSS
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Attending a biopsychosocially focused buprenorphine training improves clinician attitudes
Russell, Holly Ann et al (2021) Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12, 639826
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Deaths related to drug poisoning in England and Wales: 2020 registrations
(2021) London: Office for National Statistics
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Exploring men’s alcohol consumption in the context of becoming a father: a scoping review
Dimova, Elena et al (2021) Drugs: Education Prevention and Policy
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Alcohol use among teens allowed to drink at home (Growing Up in Australia snapshot series - issue
Quinn, Brendan (2021) Melbourne: Australian Institute of Family Studies
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Changes in perceptions of the alcohol environment among participants in a Photovoice project
conducted in two districts with different socio-economic status
Fuente, Irene Molina-de la et al (2021) PLoS ONE, 16, (8), e0254978
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How do register-based studies contribute to our understanding of alcohol's harms to family members?
A scoping review of relevant literature
Brummer, Julie et al (2021) Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 82, (4), pp. 445-456
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The role of deprivation and alcohol availability in shaping trends in violent crime
Lightowlers, Carly et al (2021) European Journal of Criminology
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The immune system through the lens of alcohol intake and gut microbiota
Calleja-Conde, Javier et al (2021) International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22, (14), 7485
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Alcohol use during the COVID-19 pandemic: self-reported changes and motives for change
Bramness, Jørgen G et al (2021) European Addiction Research, 27, (4), pp.257-262
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Male barroom aggression among members of the Australian construction industry: associations with
heavy episodic drinking, trait variables and masculinity factors
Litherland, Steven et al (2021) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,
18, (13), p.6769
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One rule for one, and a different rule for another: The case of the Parental Rules about Alcohol
McKay, Michael T et al (2021) Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 225, p.108824
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The seven key messages of the alcohol industry
van Dalen, Wim (2021) Utrecht: European Centre for Monitoring Alcohol Marketing
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Alcohol statistics: England
Policarpo Zambon, Nicolas (2021) London: House of Commons Library
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Has the increased participation in the national campaign ‘Dry January’ been associated with cutting
down alcohol consumption in England?
Case, Philippa et al (2021) Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Early online. (In Press)
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Willingness to participate in alcohol prevention interventions targeting risky drinking employees.
The WIRUS project
Thørrisen, Mikkel Magnus et al (2021) Frontiers in Public Health, 9, 692605
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Baseline severity and the prediction of placebo response in clinical trials for alcohol dependence:
A meta-regression analysis to develop an enrichment strategy
Scherrer, Bruno et al (2021) Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research, Early online
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An umbrella review of the evidence associating diet and cancer risk at 11 anatomical sites
Papadimitriou, Nikos et al (2021) Nature Communications, 12, 4579
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Alcohol and self-harm: a qualitative study
Chandler, Amy and Taylor, Annie (2021) London: Alcohol Change UK
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Alcohol withdrawal and relapse prevention
Institut national d'excellence en sante et en services sociaux. (2021) Quebec: INESSS
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Association of prenatal exposure to maternal drinking and smoking with the risk of stillbirth
Odendaal, Hein et al (2021) JAMA Network Open, 4, (8), e2121726
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Amphetamine: information guide on use, effects, safety and help
CREW 2000 (2021) Edinburgh: CREW
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Evidence-based and theoretically-informed recommendations for scaling up HCV testing and treatment
for people who inject drugs.
Hickman, Matt et al (2021) Scotland: Glasgow Caledonian University; University of Bristol; NHS
Tayside; Scottish Drugs Forum
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Use of commercial filters among a sample of people who regularly inject drugs: Findings from the
Illicit Drug Reporting System, 2016-2020
Bruno, Raimondo (2021) Sydney: National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre.
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On-site testing and case management to improve hepatitis C care in drug users: a prospective,
longitudinal, multicenter study in the DAA era
Busschots, Dana et al (2021) BMC Public Health, 21, 1574
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Interventions to support mental health among those with health conditions that present risk for
severe infection from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): a scoping review of English and
Chinese-language literature
Davison, Karen M et al (2021) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18,
(14), 7265
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Key findings from the ‘Australians’ drug use: adapting to pandemic threats (ADAPT)’ study wave 4.
ADAPT bulletin no. 4
Baillie, G et al (2021) Sydney: National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW
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Tobacco industry pricing strategies in response to excise tax policies: a systematic review.
Sheikh, Zaineb Danish et al (2021) Tobacco Control, Early online
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Multifactorial etiology of adolescent nicotine addiction: a review of the neurobiology of nicotine
addiction and its implications for smoking cessation pharmacotherapy
Mahajan, Supriya D et al (2021) Frontiers in Public Health, 9, 664748
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Impact of tobacco and/or nicotine products on health and functioning: a scoping review and findings
from the preparatory phase of the development of a new self-report measure
Afolalu, Esther F et al (2021) Harm Reduction Journal, 18, (1), p. 79
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Vaping and lung cancer - a review of current data and recommendations
Bracken-Clarke, Dara et al (2021) Lung Cancer, 153, pp.11-20
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Examining the sources of evidence in e-cigarette policy recommendations: A citation network analysis
of international public health recommendations
Smith, Marissa J et al (2021) PloS one, 16, (8), e0255604
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Smoking cessation in individuals who use vaping as compared with traditional nicotine replacement
therapies: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Pound, Catherine M et al (2021) BMJ Open, 11, (2), e044222
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Distinct motivations to seek out information in healthy individuals and problem gamblers
Dezza, Irene Cogliati et al (2021) Translational Psychiatry, 11, 408
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Lord Mayor of Dublin Launches ‘The VanaLiffey’ – Ana Liffey Drug Project’s mobile harm reduction
[Ana Liffey Drug Project] (31 Aug 2021)
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Cocaine nation: ‘The cliche of the rich man’s drug is long gone. It is everywhere now’.
[Irish Times] Ryan, Jack (28 Aug 2021)
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Over 900 children were treated in hospital for drug and alcohol-related illnesses in 2020.
[newstalk.com] Murphy, Eoghan (25 Aug 2021)
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Garda pilots to target 'trauma' of young offenders.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (24 Aug 2021)
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How a Taliban ban on opium could affect the Irish drugs market.
[RTE Brainstorm] Windle, James (19 Aug 2021)
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Exceptional affordability continues to sustain Ireland’s harmful use of alcohol.
[Alcohol Action Ireland] (16 Aug 2021)
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Women face many obstacles in getting drug and alcohol treatment in Ireland.
[Irish Examiner] Paul, Gillian (10 Aug 2021)
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Some doctors say they will shun State’s medicinal cannabis programme.
[Irish Times] Cullen, Paul (09 Aug 2021)
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One in twelve adults in the EU consumes alcohol every day.
Eurostat. [European Commission] (08 Aug 2021)
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HSE issues warning about strength of MDMA and cocaine.
[Irish Examiner] O'Rourke, Ryan (08 Aug 2021)
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Continued increase in numbers receiving Suboxone.
[Medical Independent] Lynch, David (06 Aug 2021)
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