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Wednesday, September 1st, 2021

Afghanistan: A Tragically Stupid War Comes to a Tragic End

Ron Paul, MD

My Last Vacation

Ira Katz

All My Nanny Clients Expect Me To Get The Covid Vaccine, What Do I Do?

Allan Stevo

The Unintended Consequences of Covid-9/11

Thomas Luongo

Mark Levin’s Mistakes

Paul Gottfried

The Completion of the Afghanistan Withdrawal Is Nothing To Celebrate

Caitlin Johnstone

Harvard Epidemiologist: The Case for Vaccine Passports Was Demolished

Jon Miltimore

Bring All the Troops Home: Stop Policing the Globe and Put an End to Endless Wars

John & Nisha Whitehead

PCR Tests Can’t Identify Delta Variant; It’s All Fiction

Jon Rappoport

Three Lame Arguments for the Covid Vaccine

Laurence M. Vance

The American Descent into Fascism

Paul Craig Roberts

Regulatory Capture in the Age of Covid-19

Liam Cosgrove


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