2022 U.S. Senate Candidate Lucas Kunce served in Afghanistan as a U.S. Marine. Yesterday, he told MSNBC viewers the truth about right-wing critics who say we should have stayed in Afghanistan:

"The same people right now who are saying one more day, one more month, one more dollar are the same people who said that for 20 years ... what that means is one more Marine."

Lucas Kunce is pushing to invest in nation-building here at home -- in our own communities. To do that, he has to win in Missouri. It's doable with the support of progressives across the country.

Watch the short clip on MSNBC here. Then, please chip in to bold progressive Lucas Kunce's 2022 campaign for U.S. Senate in Missouri. Even $3 will go a long way in working to flip this U.S. Senate seat blue!

Turn on images to see Lucas Kunce on MSNBC

Lucas' experience as a Marine in Afghanistan, and especially coming home and seeing the devastation in our own American communities, propelled him to run for the Senate. On the campaign trail, he tells voters:

"Serving there -- and what I saw when I came home -- factored heavily in my decision to run for U.S. Senate here in Missouri.

"I’ve always said one of the hardest parts of my deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan was coming home to my old neighborhood in Cole County, Missouri. Empty lots, abandoned buildings, a gutted Midwest.

"Our own communities look like battlefields after decades of economic warfare waged by corrupt politicians and massive corporations.

"They spent $6.4 trillion in taxpayer dollars sending soldiers like me out to fight on a doomed mission to build up someone else's country. Then, they turned around and told us we can’t 'afford' nation-building right here at home."

Then Lucas says, "We can’t let the same crooks and liars who got us into these pointless wars continue calling the shots in Congress."

Watch bold progressive Lucas Kunce bring the truth on MSNBC. Then, chip in to his campaign for U.S. Senate in Missouri in 2022.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)




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