We're just a few hours away from our August end-of-month deadline, and I want to share why it is so important that we hit our fundraising goal. This month alone, two separate right-wing dark money groups, Heritage Action and the American Action Network, launched attack ads against me. They're already flooding our district online, on television, and over the phone to attack my record. And we are still a year out from the midterm elections. This is only going to get uglier.

Hey John,

We're just a few hours away from our August end-of-month deadline, and I want to share why it is so important that we hit our fundraising goal.

This month alone, two separate right-wing dark money groups, Heritage Action and the American Action Network, launched attack ads against me. They're already flooding our district online, on television, and over the phone to attack my record. And we are still a year out from the midterm elections. This is only going to get uglier.

National Republicans and their allies have their sights set on retaking the House majority next year, and they've named my seat a top target to help them do it. They'll say, do, and spend whatever it takes to defeat me.

We know these dark money attacks are just the beginning of what's to come. With two Trump-supporting opponents already in this race, we can't waste any time fighting back against these GOP attacks, and we must be ready to handle what’s sure to come.

Will you chip in $5 or more before our end-of-month deadline at midnight tonight to help me respond to these attacks? With your support, we can protect this seat and our Democratic House majority, and ensure that President Biden and the House of Representatives can continue to work together to improve the lives of the American people, responsibly lead the world in tackling climate change, and protect our natural resources. >> https://secure.actblue.com/donate/schrier-aug21-eom

Thank you,



Paid for by Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress

Contributions or gifts to Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress are not tax deductible.


Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress
PO Box 2728
Issaquah, WA 98027
United States

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