Hey -- I just wanted to give you a quick campaign update.

In a few hours, we'll close our books on August and move on to September. But, with our quarter ending next month, and Michelle Steel consistently raising more than we are (thanks to her Big Money donations), we need to do everything we can to finish August strong.

Look, last quarter, you came out strong and that showed when we raised more than she did from individual people. But, the thing is, she also raked in $760,000 dollars from big PACs and Republicans across the country, and it's hard to compete with that.

But I know we can.

This is going to be a tough fight to the end, and I know Big Money is going to fight tooth-and-nail to keep this seat red, but we can still defeat them if we come out with everything we've got. 

So, can you chip in a few dollars before our midnight fundraising deadline?

Thank you so much,

 Alyssa Napuri, Campaign Manager

Harley Rouda served California's 48th district in Congress. In 2018, Harley defeated the 30-year incumbent Dana Rohrabacher in the very first political campaign of Harley's life. During his time in Congress, he's embraced common sense and values to tackle climate change, address deteriorating infrastructure, confront homelessness, and protect Social Security and Medicare. In 2022, Harley will be facing one of the toughest fights in the entire country, so he's depending on the support of grassroots individuals. If you want to support Harley's re-election, you can donate here. If you'd like to no longer receive emails from his campaign, you can  unsubscribe.

Paid for by Harley Rouda for Congress

Harley Rouda for Congress
120 Newport Center Drive
Office 28
Newport Beach, CA 92660
United States

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