this is urgent

BAD news, John, Republican super PACs already launched MASSIVE ad buys to attack Sen. Raphael Warnock (D) and turn Georgia red.

After experts at CNN named Raphael the most vulnerable Senate Democrat up for reelection, Mitch McConnell and his shady dark-money PACs made him their TOP target for defeat.

Now, they've MASSIVELY outspent Raphael on the airwaves with misleading attack ads to smear his record, turn Georgia red and retake Senate control for McConnell.

Raphael is the moral warrior Democrats need to keep Georgia blue, defend our Senate majority and pass our progressive agenda. But with national Republicans pulling out all the stops to defeat him, we need to fight back NOW, or these attacks could leave a major mark.

That's why we set a $10,000 grassroots-response goal to fight back against the surge in GOP spending and win this race. But with time running out before our midnight deadline, we're still falling dangerously short.

Please, John, Raphael is counting on you: Will you rush an urgent donation of $15 or more now – split between Raphael Warnock and Seth Moulton – so we can protect Raphael's seat and our Senate majority?


Thank you for fighting back with us.

– Team Warnock