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Our Message is Clear: Don’t Draft our Daughters!
For Immediate Release: August 31, 2021
Contact Colleen Holcomb
[email protected]
Tomorrow, September 1, 2021, the House Armed Services Committee plans to begin mark up of the Fiscal Year 2022 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). As you may recall, in July the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) voted to include women in the Military Selective Service via the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). If this bill is signed into law, women, like men, between the ages of 18-25 will be required by law to register for the draft.
For decades, Eagle Forum has stood against any effort to enlist our daughters. Today, we are proud to join a strong coalition effort telling Members of Congress to reject any attempt during the House Armed Services Committee mark-up to amend the Military Selective Service Act to include women in the draft. Our lawmakers do well to remember that no enemy force uses women. American women who would be drafted would face the worst abuses of the Taliban and other enemies of the United States. Females are always treated worse than males by enemy combatants.
“Make no mistake, Members who vote to include women into selective service do so to appease liberal ideology and not out of care for our military strength and superiority,” said Eagle Forum President Colleen Holcomb. “Under the excuse of equity and equality, women will be sent onto the frontlines. Our Representatives do well to remember that war does not play by the ideology of diversity and inclusion. The consequences will be felt not only in our military, but also on the home front.”
The coalition letter, “Special Message to the 117th Congress: Don’t Draft Our Daughters” can be found HERE.

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