But we’re running out of time...

Tim Alexander For Congress


We’re rushing to tell you that we're just $237 short of our end-of-month goal with less than 24 hours until our deadline.

Our average donation is just $24.12, thanks to grassroots supporters like you. Can you pitch in $24.12 before 11:59 pm tonight to help Tim start the last month of the quarter on the right foot? >>>


Only HOURS left until our end-of-month deadline! Donate now:

Donate Now

We don’t have a second to waste. We are running in one of the most competitive races next year. Our opponent is Jeff Van Drew – a guy who abandoned our party, pledged his undying support to Trump, and is now bankrolled by Trump’s special interest allies.

We know that with the power of grassroots supporters like you, we can flip this seat blue and usher in real change. Chip in $24.12 or more to help Tim finish the job >>>

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Donate $5 Donate $10 Donate $24.12
Donate $50 Donate $100 Other

Thank you for all that you do,

Team Alexander

Donate Now


Tim Alexander is a former detective and civil rights attorney, running to defeat Trump loyalist Jeff Van Drew in New Jersey’s 2nd Congressional District.
Can you rush a $5 donation to help fuel our grassroots movement and flip this seat blue? >>>


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