Marc My Words: California, it's Time to End Diesel Now!
A Letter from the Breathe Southern California President & CEO
The story of California, a state home to nearly 40 million people, is one of success. Boasting the largest economy in the United States, stories of California’s demise have been greatly exaggerated. Moreover, our bold and transformative policies surrounding climate change, inclusive healthcare, and world-class public and private universities accentuate California’s opportunity and promise. Yet, despite these remarkable achievements and potential, California has yet to adequately address its air pollution problem, which chokes many areas of the state, especially Southern California and the Central Valley with its unsightly haze and unhealthy toxicity.
California’s transportation sector accounts for 40% of our greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs), and diesel trucks emit as much as 70% of smog-forming pollution and 80% of particulate matter. California’s freight system is concentrated with heavy-duty vehicles and equipment fueled by diesel. 

In Southern California, those living in neighborhoods closest to the ports or along the truck routes from the ports to the rest of the nation disproportionately bear the brunt of the harm caused by diesel emissions. These communities face a greater risk of cancer, and higher rates of asthma compared to the rest of California.

The negative health impacts associated with diesel are why we at Breathe Southern California are calling to End Diesel Now

We launched our campaign in October 2019 and have been calling for the ports, cities, and state to phase out diesel vehicles and diesel fuel much sooner than the state target of 2045, when diesel-fueled vehicles will no longer be sold in California. 
We cannot spend another generation with our kids, our families, and our neighbors continuing to breathe diesel exhaust when we know how harmful it is. That is why we are continuing this campaign that educates the public, the media, and key decision-makers about the need to end diesel now. 
Stay up-to-date on the #EndDieselNow campaign by visiting our website at, following us on social media @BreatheSoCal, and following me @mcarrel
In Health,
Marc Carrel 
President & CEO
Ways to Clean the Air This Month!
Go Electric
California has a number of government incentives that can help you purchase an affordable plug-in electric vehicle.
Learn more about these resources here:
Practice Fire Safety
Learn about how our community partner Southern California Edison is working to reduce wildfires in the region at:
Limit Energy Use
Small shifts in electricity use based on the time of day are easier than you might think. Here are a few things you can do to get started: turn off lights you aren't using, adjust your thermostat, do more during the day, dim your screen. Learn more about Time-Of-Use at:
Get Involved with #EndDieselNow to Fight for Clean Air 
It is time for the ports to implement the container fee they adopted last year to help collect funds for clean trucks, raise the fee to generate more funding, prohibit more diesel trucks from being added to the port’s truck registry, consider a commitment to public health when appointing individuals to the Harbor Commission, and create and adopt a comprehensive zero-emission port implementation plan by 2035. We need your support!
1. Sign the Petition
Tell your elected and appointed officials to pursue and implement policies that will improve air quality for Southern California residents! We must End Diesel Now!
2. Make A Contribution
Make a donation to help us End Diesel Now!
3. Contact Officials
Your voice makes a difference. Contact your local officials and let them know why we should End Diesel Now!