Dear friends,
As we head into our second Labor Day of the pandemic, we’re releasing our annual State of Working Wisconsin report over four days this week.
First up is a focus on jobs: how is the state faring?
114,00 Jobs Lost: In July 2021, Wisconsin had 3.8% fewer jobs than before the COVID-19 crisis hit.
3.9% Unemployment: In July 2021, unemployment held steady at 3.9%, remaining slightly above the February 2020 level (3.5%).
49,600 Leisure/Hospitality Jobs Lost: This sector – restaurants, hotels, and more – has been hardest hit; employment is down 17.6%.
There are now a few reasons for cautious optimism. Wisconsin added 13,000 jobs, and vaccinations became widely available. But the delta variant is still on the rise, and the state is still in a 6-figure jobs deficit since the crisis began.
“Since the collapse, the question has been ‘when will we get back to normal?’” said Laura Dresser, Associate Director. “But ‘normal’ for low-wage workers has long been unsustainable, leaving too many families struggling to get by. Adding jobs is important, but ensuring strong job quality and supports for low-wage workers is equally important.”