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The dangerous rise of a new stab-in-the-back myth

By Joe Cirincione on Aug 30, 2021 06:45 am

The foreign policy elite are focused on defending their reputations and privileges, not in confronting failure in Afghanistan.
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How the defense industry helped prolong the war in Afghanistan

By Eli Clifton on Aug 27, 2021 03:00 am

CACI is a well-known company with a $907 million contract in Afghanistan — it also has undisclosed ties to think tanks opposed to withdrawal.
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Vice President Harris ends lackluster first visit to Southeast Asia

By Daniel Larison on Aug 27, 2021 02:50 am

The administration is going to have to do a lot more than to troll China to show it's diplomatically engaged with the region.
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Congress must hold Benghazi-level hearings on its own role in Afghanistan

By Lora Lumpe on Aug 26, 2021 09:28 am

Start by asking who benefited from the protracted war, a question that will elicit uncomfortable truths about Washington.
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Tokyo hikes defense, but is mindful of independence in US-China competition

By Shihoko Goto on Aug 26, 2021 03:00 am

Taiwan has increasingly become a test, though Japan's interest in strengthening its security goes beyond Taipei.
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The breathtaking lack of official accountability in Afghanistan

By Will Bardenwerper on Aug 25, 2021 10:16 am

Billions of dollars of US materiel is now in the Taliban’s hands; but which leader will be taken to task for it, or for anything?
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