"I too have gotten lost in the anxiety of my children being left behind academically.
I too felt frustrated when they were missing out on so much socially and athletically.
I too kept on telling myself what I told my clients’ parents, “These kids are resilient, and they will bounce back faster than we will.”

But when I looked out at my own daughter lying on the floor, feeling increasingly down and frustrated by schoolwork with no soccer games to lift her spirits, I started questioning my own advice."
As the Covid delta variant moves through the country, increasing the level of uncertainty from the school to the personal level, many parents and educators are left wondering, “What’s next?”

In this recent blog post, Rebecca Sacerdoti, a Challenge Success Advisory Council Member and clinical psychologist, shares strategies that have helped her and her family weather the pandemic.
Interested in playing a crucial role to help schools and parents prioritize student well-being and engagement during these uncertain times, or know someone who might be a good fit? We are still accepting applications for the Executive Director position. Nominate someone here or read the job description and apply.
Transform the Student Experience

Challenge Success partners with schools, families, and communities to embrace a broad definition of success and to implement research-based strategies that promote student well-being and engagement with learning. 

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