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Tuesday, August 31st, 2021

Fixing Air Hunger in America

Do This As If Your Life Depended on It. Bill Sardi

Really Bad Poetry

Karen Kwiatkowski

Overpaid, Insecure, And Unintelligent — This Is Who You Leave Your Kids With And Who Most Kids Will Therefore Emulate

Allan Stevo

It Takes a Village To Dupe the Public

Donald Jeffries

A Heedless Aftermath

James Howard Kunstler

60% of Those Older Than 50 Who Die From CoviD Are Double Vaxxed

Dr. Joseph Mercola

2021 Is 1984 – Our Liberties Are Being Ripped Away and America Is Almost Gone

Michael Snyder

Refusing the Covid Vaccine; Setting the Record Straight

Jon Rappoport

Say No to Vaccine Passports

Helen Andrews

The FBI Were in the Capital “Riot” & Probably Led the People in

Martin Armstrong

Some Conservatives Still Pine for the Good Old Days of Cannabis Prohibition

Mark Thornton

How ‘Informed Consent’ Became ‘Coercion of the Uninformed’

William Sullivan


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