Hi Greetings!
This is House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy.

I want to be upfront with you today, patriot: we still have a lot of work ahead of us if we’re going to take back the House in 2022.

That’s because the America Last Socialists have been outraising us, and one of the top conservative fighters in the nation - Congressman Brian Mast - is still behind on his fundraising goal.

I just got off the phone with him, and he’s still more than $12,000 behind.  If he can’t make up the deficit by the end of the day tomorrow, his campaign will need to institute budget cuts.  We can’t let that happen!

This is why I’m asking for your support today. Will you chip in to help Republicans get back on track?
Brian Mast’s commitment to our country is clear - he lost two legs fighting for freedom overseas in Afghanistan, but still kept up the fight by becoming one of the top America First Republicans in the House.

His leadership is crucial in stopping Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Socialist Squad, but with this deadline rapidly approaching, he still needs our help!

Brian has always had our back, and even lost two legs for the cause, so we need to have his back now. If you have the means, friend, do you think you could help out by supporting a fighter who is critical for our America First movement?  
Brian and I really need you to help us stop the Biden Border Crisis, crackdown on Socialism, look out for our economy, and put America First. Will you help us take back the House by pitching in for Brian’s deadline?

Thank you for your support,
House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy