Last week, I appeared as a lawyer in Travis County District Court to represent Texas parents in challenging Governor Greg Abbott’s executive order (GA-38) which bans schools from requiring masks.


Hey Friend, Mike Siegel here — and I have some exciting news to share!

Last week, I appeared as a lawyer in Travis County District Court to represent Texas parents in challenging Governor Greg Abbott’s executive order (GA-38) which bans schools from requiring masks.

Together, we helped secure an injunction in favor of school districts and parents who are fighting for the safety and security of students and educators through universal mask mandates.

This injunction was won based on overwhelming evidence that we are in a public safety crisis and that health experts — not politicians — should be setting standards for health and safety in our public schools in order to prevent unnecessary illness and death in our communities. With the help of this temporary injunction against GA-38, dozens of school districts serving over one million Texas students can now require masks—without penalty by the state government—for the foreseeable future.

Friend, this is the kind of work that Ground Game Texas is proud to engage in. All across Texas, parents and local leaders are standing up and fighting back against egregious laws supported by Gov. Abbott and the Texas GOP — and we’re proud to stand with them in this fight to protect our communities and advocate for legislation that works for us all, not just some of us.

As a grassroots-funded movement, our ability to mobilize and organize at a moment's notice is entirely dependent on how strong our fundraising is each month. So in order to hone in on these local opportunities for progress, it’s crucial that our fundraising efforts keep pace with our plans.

Friend, if you’re able, please chip in to Ground Game Texas today to help boost our fundraising so we can keep engaging in the critical moments for change. Each and every dollar donated goes directly back to Ground Game Texas to help provide the tools, resources and education needed to make the most impactful change from the ground up.

Contribute $5

Thank you for all that you do,

Mike Siegel
Political (and Legal) Director
Ground Game Texas