I had to come directly to you to give you an update on our August goal. Yesterday, we told you that we needed to raise $5,000 before the end of the month in order to get to where we need to be.


I had to come directly to you to give you an update on our August goal. Yesterday, we told you that we needed to raise $5,000 before the end of the month in order to get to where we need to be. Since then, we’ve only raised $834…

This is a bump in the road, but I know we can make it up before the clock strikes midnight tomorrow night.

Now’s the time to put the pedal to the metal. Will you chip in $25 right now towards our $5,000 goal so we can get back on track?

I wouldn’t be coming to you all if it wasn’t important, but with the end of the quarter getting closer and closer, we can’t afford to miss a step. Our Q3 numbers will show just how strong our campaign is and set the tone for the year leading up to the election.

I’m meeting with Jena to go over our numbers tomorrow morning, and I’d love to be able to tell her we’re on track to reach our August goal. Help me give Jena some good news tomorrow morning by chipping in $25 towards our end-of-month goal today!

Thanks for being here,

Celia Stockwell, Finance Director

My name is Jena Griswold. In 2018, I was elected as the first democratic Secretary of State in Colorado since 1958, the first democratic woman Secretary of State in Colorado’s history, and only the 10th woman in Colorado’s history to hold the statewide constitutional office of governor, attorney general, secretary of state, or treasurer!

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Jena for Colorado
P.O. Box 270218
Louisville, CO 80027
United States