
We're running out of time, and we can't afford to miss our end-of-month fundraising goal.

This campaign runs on the momentum and determination of our grassroots supporters. With your help, we can make sure CA-25 gets the leader they deserve. And say goodbye to Mike Garcia once and for all.

Can you donate $5, $10, $15, or more to help us hit our end-of-month goal? Here's the deal: Christy doesn't take money from corporate PACs -- she can't run this campaign without your support. We can show Mike Garcia that you don't need special interest money to run a strong campaign but we need your support.

We're only $3,451 away from hitting our goal, please chip in whatever you can RIGHT NOW so we can reach this critical goal.   We set ambitious grassroots fundraising goals to be able to match Mike Garcia's hauls. And while we know it won't be an easy target, our supporters have pulled through for us every single time in the past.

This is our chance, John. We need your help like never before. Can I count on you to chip in $5 or more to hit our end-of-month fundraising goal. Thanks for stepping up. Let's meet this goal!

-- Team Christy

Christy Smith is only soliciting funds that comply with federal campaign finance laws.