The Problem: Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans have corrupted our government for their own gain and refused to do right by the American people on the issues that matter, from protecting our environment to building a strong economy that works for everyone.

The Solution: Kick McConnell out of office and Flip the Senate in 2020.

The Plan: Protect Democratic incumbents running in tough races and flip four or more Republican-held Senate seats in states like Maine, Arizona, South Carolina, Kentucky, Colorado, and more.

The Ask: We cannot do this alone -- not with McConnell commanding an army of right-wing megadonors -- so we need Democrats nationwide to join our grassroots campaign to Flip The Senate.

Do you get the jist, John? Then make a donation of $10 or more to support our work to Flip the Senate in 2020. Every contribution put us one step closer to removing McConnell as Majority Leader.
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Thanks for your help and support. More soon.

— Flip the Senate
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