Has reading our new “Know Your Rights” guides to religious freedom in public schools raised some questions for you about the rights and responsibilities of students, parents or teachers? Not sure what is allowed and what’s not in our public schools? Are you wondering how you can help make the schools in your community welcoming to all?
Here’s your chance to ask the experts: Join Americans United President and CEO Rachel Laser and AU Staff Attorney Ian Smith at noon ET tomorrow, Tuesday, Aug. 31, for a live question and answer session on AU’s Twitter account.
Live Audio Conversation & Q&A with
AU CEO Rachel Laser & AU Staff Attorney Ian Smith
Tuesday, Aug. 31, Noon ET
On AU’s Twitter Account, @americansunited
I’ll be hosting a live chat called a Twitter Space with Rachel and Ian about the “Know Your Rights” guides that Ian authored. We’ll talk about the most common violations of church-state separation in our public schools that are reported to AU. Then Rachel and Ian will answer your questions.
Submit your questions ahead of time by emailing Amy Couch, our Digital Communications Manager, at [email protected]. Then join us at 12 p.m. ET tomorrow on AU’s Twitter account, @americansunited, and Rachel and Ian will answer as many questions as possible. You may even be able to ask your question live during the event.
Twitter Space is a new live audio conversation, almost like an online radio program; anyone can listen and even request to speak. To join us, log into Twitter on your phone app or on your computer. If you follow AU on Twitter, you should see AU’s icon outlined in purple at the top of your feed once the Twitter Space begins. Or, go to AU’s Twitter account at noon and click on the AU icon outlined in purple. You will then be prompted to join the Twitter Space conversation.
Religious freedom rights for public school students and educators are often misunderstood or ignored. I hope you’ll read the “Know Your Rights” guides AU produced, and then join us tomorrow at noon ET on Twitter to learn more. We can all play a role in protecting the rights of our public schoolchildren.
I look forward to our conversation tomorrow,
Rob Boston
Senior Adviser, Editor of Church & State magazine