Dear John,

The most important part of being a Representative is representing and responding to your constituents. It’s the whole reason why I am in Lansing -- to make sure my district’s concerns and needs are voiced and fought in the legislature. Because of this, I am always working to make sure that my constituents are able to reach me whenever they have something to share. 

There’s a number of reasons why you might want to reach out to me. Do you have an opinion on a bill that is being discussed in Lansing? Do you have questions about COVID-19 spread in the district and measures that are being taken to prevent it? Do you have an issue that you think I should promote in Lansing? Or can I help you connect with a state agency that you need? Let me and my office know. 

I’ve held many coffee hours and town halls over the years I have represented my district.  With Covid-19 pandemic, it has been too long since we could have routine face to face meetings. I want to be sure you know how to reach me by email or phone if you have thoughts to share.  

There are a variety of ways you can get in touch with our team. You can email at [email protected] or call at (517) 373-0828. I’d love to hear from you.


We hope that you are well and healthy during this very difficult time. We know that not everyone is able to financially support our campaign right now, but for those who can, every dollar given will go directly to finding innovative new ways to communicate with voters. We won’t let this virus stop us from making positive change in Lansing, and we hope you’ll stick with us however you can. Thank you for being a part of our team.
Copyright © *|2017|* *|Lasinski for Michigan PAC|*, All rights reserved.
Paid for by the Lasinski for Michigan PAC
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