Stop the Recall Campaign Update #3
August 29, 2021
Hello John,

The election experts at FiveThirtyEight just updated the polling average in the Newsom recall. He's still barely beating the Republican candidates: 46.3% to 50.6%. (Recall polling average, 8.27.21)

The good news is that our efforts to reach more voters are working. FiveThirtyEight's polling averages have seen a modest bump in likely voters who pledge to vote "NO" on the recall.

The bad news is that this polling proves the race could truly go either way. With voters casting ballots as we speak, we're continuing to sound the alarm.

Our job is turnout. If Democrats vote, we stop the Recall. It really is that simple.
Here are four actions you can take action to increase voter turnout (Click on blue font links below for more information):
1. Canvass - Join us as we knock on doors and drop literature at the homes of El Dorado County Democrats in Cameron Park and El Dorado Hills

2.Join us to make calls to voters about the September 14th recall election! After signing up, you will receive information on how to join our virtual Zoom phonebank. We will train you on how to use our calling tool and you will receive your unique login information. We'll be on hand in case you have any questions or need help troubleshooting! Phone bank
3. Reach out to your friends to tell them to vote NO on the Recall. Friend-to-friend outreach.

4. Post a Stop the Recall yard or window sign. Email Urs with your name, address and phone number

We hope you'll take action and volunteer today by clicking on any of the links listed above and/or help support the El Dorado County Democratic Party volunteers by making a donation to our local campaign efforts.

With appreciation,

Josh Elder,
Chair, El Dorado County Democratic Party
El Dorado County Democratic Party
PO Box 1126 • Diamond Springs, CA • 95619
Phone: 916-312-3008
Email: [email protected] 
FEC # C00483412 
FPPC# 781341